Friday, March 26, 2010

Relationship Compatibility Via Astrology - PRLog (free press release)

PR Log (Press Release) â€" Mar 25, 2010 â€" What does a relationship compatibility mean anyway? I think it is amazing how one particular person can alter the way you feel just by being in their company. We often become depended on other people we are in a relationship with to the point of obsession because there are lots of things we can not do by ourselves or at least not as good as someone else can. So we become fascinated by other people and the way they make us feel. Some people inspire us to do better while others make you feel that you depend on them.
However, we all want to find that someone special to have a compatible relationship with so we too can have the kind of life we wish for. Many people look to astrology or go to an astrologer to get some answers not only for ourselves but also for the people in our lives that are important to us. Yes, astrology can give you some answers and a good astrology will be able to help answer some of your questions and give you advice.
The planet Venus rules Libra this planet and sign are in charge of the relationship department. The 7th house which governs relationship is also ruled by Libra so when it comes to relationship compatibility you have to look to these two areas in your chart. You have to see how well it is in aspect to that special person in your life or how to deal with someone you have just got to know. Will you have a compatible relationship with this person? Are their 7th house planets in favorable aspects to yours?
So why are other people so important to us that we want them around us? Why do some people have such a strong effect on us? The best way to explain this is that we all send out certain energies and other peoples energy has chemical reaction to our energy and some may push our buttons and cause a reaction in us. This can happen even if you have a relationship that is compatible.
Being in love with someone is a lovely feeling and it is almost like you are high on some sort of drug. When we are angry it is a different energy all together and not as nice a feeling and you can be sure that Mars has a finger in here.
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Monday, March 22, 2010

Libra Personal Horoscope For April 2010

April could be a rather strange month, in the sense that you mightn't be your normal self. You'll be more emotional than usual, and you won't be quite as talkative.

However I'm not saying that this is a bad thing. You're actually going to be stronger and more self-sufficient than you have been of late, and when dealing with other people you'll be a lot more assertive.

At the same time you can deal with heavy-duty subjects, that not everyone can handle. So if there's a matter that you've been meaning to deal with, which in the past had seemed too complicated, now is your chance to take the necessary steps.

Nonetheless, there will be times when things are a bit tense. Over the Easter weekend, from April 2 to 4, Venus is making a stressful aspect to Mars. Relationships could be very tense, and it won't take much to create an argument.

Once the Easter weekend is over, the situation starts improving. You'll become increasingly lucky, and through the power of your emotions you can make things happen.

Then on April 14 there's a New Moon, which takes place in Aries, your opposite sign. From a relationship point of view this New Moon could be very important. It marks a new beginning, when the nature of your various relationships will completely change. And perhaps it'll be necessary to follow your partner's lead?

If you're a single Libran, then someone could move into your life, quite unexpectedly. At first you might not be aware of the romantic implications of what's going on, but the momentum will get stronger and stronger.

Over the weekend of April 17 and 18 Venus makes a favourable aspect to Jupiter. Everything comes together, perhaps when you're doing something very routine. It becomes clear that you're onto a winner, and at the same time there could be a financial bonus.

On April 25 Venus moves into Gemini. You'll feel a big change, and for the rest of the month you're going to be more relaxed, and your Libran sense of fun will return to its normal levels.

It's therefore a good idea to go out of your way to enjoy yourself. You've got something to offer, and once you're mixing with the right crowd just about anything is possible.

In terms of romance, the last days of April could be very significant. Passion and creativity can be vigorously mixed, to make a perfect cocktail.

Virgo Personal Horoscope For April 2010

The big news for Virgos is that Saturn is moving back into your star sign. It left your star sign last Autumn, but on April 7 it comes back - and stays here until July 21.

This means that there's old work that has to be returned to. You thought it was done and dusted, but there are still details that have to be worked on. And I'm not just talking about your career. In terms of relationships, you must make sure that everything's in order, that there's no possibility of a misunderstanding. This means that if you've been unfair to someone in the past, you'll have a chance to make amends.

On a different note, Virgoans have a chance to see the world in a new way. This is because on April 3 Mercury, your ruling planet, moves into Taurus. For the rest of the month you'll become more spiritual, and you won't be dazzled by surface appearances. Under these circumstances, you should perhaps take a break from the trivia of the everyday world. Get away from the internet and the gossip and the celebrity culture. You can find something superior, that's in accordance with your destiny.

And while you're at it, you might want to fine-tune your vacation plans - even if you're not travelling until the Summer. Ideally you'll go somewhere that puts you in touch with nature.

Getting down to the specifics of the month, on April 4 and 5 Mercury is making a stressful, 90-degree aspect to Mars. I'm afraid this means that the Easter break might not be much of a break. There could be a lot of aggravation, and you and your family might have differences of opinion. So try to be as tolerant and easy-going as possible!

As April progresses the overall situation gets easy, especially in terms of your love life. Venus is moving towards a favourable aspect with Jupiter, and relationships will start improving, in a big way. But ideally you and your partner won't be satisfied with the usual way of doing things, and you'll take things in a new direction.

On April 17 or 18 Mercury starts going backwards. As a result you might feel that you need to take a step back from whatever you're doing.

While it's wise to be cautious, you don't want to overdo it. Because the last five days of April, from the twenty-fifth onwards, are excellent. Romance will blossom, and in terms of career and business you can make some excellent contacts.

Scorpio Personal Horoscope For April 2010

Scorpios understand that they're living in a dangerous world, that there are limits to how much they can trust people. Your approach is probably sensible, but there's no need for exaggeration. There's a time for caution, but there's also a time for trust.

And for most of April the planet Venus is moving through Taurus, your opposite sign. This is good news, provided you handle the energy in the right way. You have to realise that you need the right partnership, if you want to make the most of your potential.

Nonetheless, at the beginning of April, especially over the Easter weekend, it might feel that 'hell is other people'. Mars, your ruling planet, receives stressful aspects from Mercury and Venus. It's like walking through a swarm of mosquitoes. Annoying irritations, that just won't go away. So if possible have a low profile Easter, and stick to the company of people who are easy-going and self-sufficient. Romantic pursuits are tempting, but probably not worth the aggravation.

Once the Easter weekend is over, things start improving in a big way. You'll feel more confident, and you'll become increasingly popular.

In your career things are moving nicely. You know what you want and you know how to get it. So your basic approach should be 'steady as it goes'. If something is working you should go with it, and in most cases you'll have sufficient energy to reach the finishing line.

And when you bring other people into your life things will move even faster, especially in mid-April, when Venus is making a favourable aspect to Jupiter. You can share someone else's good fortune, and in relationships there will be plenty of happiness.

However the New Moon on April 14 injects a note of seriousness. There are some things in your life which are very disorganised and during the last half of the month it would be advisable to sort them out.

In this light, it might be a good idea to pay attention to your diet. Healthy eating needs to be planned - food has to be brought in beforehand, and your kitchen cupboards need to be well-stocked with all the right things. Otherwise the temptation to eat instant, artificial rubbish might be too great to resist.

During the last week of April there's a change of emphasis. Relationships become serious and the emotional temperature starts to rise.

If you're looking for a new relationship, you'll be an attractive proposition, and your smooth, silky, seductive words could hit the spot with amazing accuracy.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Leo Personal Horoscope For April 2010

I am very optimistic about the prospects for Leos in April.

Mars, while moving through your star sign, is going faster and faster. You're finding your stride, in a big way, and just about whatever the challenge, you've got what it takes. So if there's something you've been meaning to do, perhaps since the end of last year, now is your chance.

And while this is going on the Sun, your ruler, is moving through Aries, where it stays until April 19 or 20. The Sun works very well in this sign, and during the first half of April you'll have the chance to reach out for new horizons. And there might be an opportunity to do some travelling, if not now then in the near future.

From a career perspective, the overall situation looks excellent. In your working environment you'll be very charismatic, and it's a good time for networking. But you'll have to be sincere. It's not enough to send someone a quick email, or to be their friend on a social networking website. You have to really get to know them, and there's no substitute for a physical meeting.

The career situation gets better and better as April progresses, and peaks on the weekend of the 17 or 18, when Venus aspects Jupiter. You'll be a smooth operator, and through teamwork you can prove your mettle.

As far as money is concerned, you should be aware that on April 7 Saturn moves into the finance sector of your solar chart, where it stays until July 21. So over the next few months you have to careful about money, and you must understand your limits. If you make a financial mistake, you could be punished!

On April 14 there's a New Moon. This New Moon could have many dimensions. I've already mentioned the importance of travel, but you should also consider your spirituality. The New Moon can show you new ways of looking at the world, that demonstrate that you're not alone, that you're part of a wider system, that works on many levels.

Yet if you're completely sure of your spiritual beliefs, you might be encouraged to spread the word. So the New Moon could be very useful if you're a missionary or a pastor.

Finishing up with romance, and if you're already in a relationship your partner might be having a change of mind about an important subject. Don't pressurise them, not now and not over the next few months.

If you're a single Leo, the best place for finding new love is somewhere that's very high profile. For example in your working environment. A working relationship can very quickly become romantic.

Astrological Profile (natal Chart) For D-Day June 6, 1944 Normanday, France


To Begin Bringing An End To World War 2, The Universe Energized The Zodiac Sign Of Gemini To Help Save And Heal The World. The Universe Sent Several Planets (Along With The Sun) Into The Constellation Of Gemini. I Analyze The Natal Chart The Exact Same Way I Would Analyze A Birth Date Chart. Be Sure To Apply This Chart Analysis For A Person Born Under "Gemini" To The Courageous Allied Forces Of June 6, 1944. 

Sun In Gemini-Genius But Conflicting. Both Gemini And Virgo Are Ruled By Mercury 

Mercury In Taurus- Mercury Rules Communications And Devices- Taurus Is Hardworking, Patient, And Can Be Sensual 

This Person Will Be Adept (Taurus) At Communications And Devices 

Chiron The Healer In Virgo-Virgo Is The Sign Of Health And Critical Analysis 

This Person Might Be A Doctor Or Some Other Professional (Technical Person) 

Uranus In Gemini-Uranus Rules Aquarius And Cause Sudden Events. Uranus Also Stands Up Against The "Status Quo". Uranus Firm Stand In Opposition Has Gained The Name "Rebel" When Describing Uranus. This Gemini Would Be Focused (Taurus) At Helping Others, Opposing Opposition, And Attempting To Heal Others. 

Moon In Sagattarius-The Moon Influences The Subconscious And The Emotions. Sagattarius Is The People And Social Sign. The Moon Is The Ruler Of Cancer. And Planet Jupiter Is The Ruler Of Sagattarius. 

Jupiter In Leo. Leo Is Ruled By The Sun. The Sun Is In Gemini. This Gemini Would Have A Grand (Leo) Personality That Cares (Virgo-Chiron) For People (Sagattarius) And Is Expansive (Jupiter). This Person Might Be Involved In World (Jupiter) Assistance (Uranus-Aquarius) To Others. 

Venus In Gemini-Venus Influences The Emotions And Finances. This Gemini Would Experience Both Emotions And Finances 

Saturn In Gemini-Saturn Is The Planet Of Karma And Responsibility. This Gemini Would Be A Responsible Person Who Would Not "Shrug" His/Her Responsibility. 

Mars In Leo-Mars Is The Planet Of Battles And Struggles- Leo Is The Grand And Bold Sign. This Gemini Would Not Hesitate To Use Struggles Help Others. 

Pluto In Leo-Pluto Is The Ruler Of The Unknown. Pluto Is Power. Pluto Can Also Be An Eliminator. This Gemini Will Benefit From The Help Of The Pluto (Supernatural Or Super-Technical) Elements And The Courage Of The Leo. 

True (North) Node-Cancer-The True Node Is The Zodiac Sign That The New Born Must Strive To Acheive In Their Life Time. Cancer Is The Sign Of Family, Security, And Protection. Cancer Is Ruled By The Moon. The Moon Was In Sagattarius On June 6, 1944. On That Day, The Universe Assigned This Gemini With The Responsibility To Help And Heal People. 

Neptune Retrograde In Libra. A Planet Retrogrades For One Or Two Reasons: 1) To Review Or "Re Do" A Situation (The Area Needing To Be Reviewed Is Indicated By The Sign That Planet Retrogrades In) And/Or 2) To Bring Justice Or Karma To A Situation.

Neptune Is The Planet Of Dreams, Ideas, Inspirations (Neptune Rules Pisces), And/Or Deceptions. Libra Is The Planet Of Justice, Balance, And Karma. 

It Appears That Dreams And Inspirations (Such As Passion And Finances-Venus) Would Be "Held Back (Retrograde)" Until Gemini Fulfilled Its Responsibility (Saturn-Cancer) To Help "Heal The World" 

Ascendant-Gemini-Truly Amazing. The Ascendant Is The Sign That The Sun Was Ascending (Rising) To On That Day. The Ascendant Has The Most Influence Over Even Above The Sun Sign. In This Case Gemini Is Both The Sun And Ascendant Sign, Making This Person A Very Powerful Gemini. It Also Appears That This Gemini Would "Over Power" His/Her Conflicting Aspect Of Personality And Focus In On Their Genius Aspect To Help Others. 

Descendant-Sagattarius-The Descendant Respresents The Seventh House Which Is Ruled By Libra. The Descendant Is How Other People Will Regard This Sign. This Gemini Would Appear To Be A Fair (Libra) And "People Oriented" Person. 

The Imum Coeli-Leo-The Imum Coeli Is The Root And The Subconscious Of The Person. This Gemini Would Have The Courage Of A Leo. Some Astrologers Believe That The Imum Coeli Denotes The Circumstances By Which The Person Would Die. If This Is True, Then This Gemini Would Die While Courageously Helping Others 

It Appears That On June 6, 1944 That The Universe Decided To End The Propaganda (Neptune Retrograde) Of The "Master Race" And Begin Helping (Uranus) And Healing (Chiron-Virgo) The World (Jupiter-Sagattarius). 

This Article Can Be Freely Edited And Utilized As Long As Credit Is Given To Its Author (Gary Colin). 

Astrology: who believes in this stuff? - Examiner

Reluctant to let people know you’re interested in astrology?  Take a look at this list of distinguished, educated, accomplished individuals who share your interest in the subject and you’ll have a new perspective on the matter.  Astrologers are not gypsies any more than chiropractors are witch doctors.

Ancient and medieval European thinkers, doctors, priests, mathematicians, psychologists, lawyers, kings, queens, noblemen, all great civilizations from the Mayans to the Chinese used some form of astrology.  Many mariners, historians, anthropologists, crime investigators, match makers, farmers, politicians, movie stars, and counselors use astrology. 

Recorded astrological roots date back to the Mesopotamia period.  Don't you think that in several thousand years if the stuff wasn't valid we would have disproved it by now?

After reading through this list, you’ll consider yourself among a group of highly esteemed individuals and won’t be at all concerned about discussing your interest in astrology.  In fact, you might even feel honored to be in such a respected circle.

Saint Thomas Aquinas, famous 13th century Italian scholar-philosopher and official theologian of the Catholic Church.  Although not an astrologer, he made some very influential assertions about the science of the stars, and acknowledged planetary influence, he was concerned with reconciling the apparent determinism of astrology with free will.

Stephen Arroyo, a contemporary astrologer, born Oct. 6, 1946, in Kansas City, Missouri.  Studied at Drake Univ., the Univ. of California, Davis (B.A., 1968), and California State Univ., Sacramento (M.A. psychology, 1972), and holds an M.F.C.C. license in California.  Arroyo is the author of numerous best-selling books on astrology, all of which have presented a type of astrology that is modern, innovative, and directed toward self-understanding.  His widely acclaimed work has led to his being awarded the British Astrological Association's Astrology Prize, the International Sun Award by the Fraternity of Canadian Astrologers, and the Regulus Award. His books have been translated into 9 languages.

Francis Bacon (1561-1626), an English philosopher often regarded as one of the fathers of modern science, and an ardent champion of astrology.

Luke Dennis Broughton, born 1828, Leeds, doctor and astrologer.  Grandson and father also doctors who followed Nicolas Culpepper.  Moved to USA 1854.  Served as an expert witness in cases where astrologers were arrested for telling fortunes.

Nicholas Campion, born Mar. 4,1953, recipient of the National Astrological Society of the U.S.A.’s Marc Edmund Jones Award for scholarly and innovative work in 1992, especially the research for The World Book of Horoscopes.  Educated at Queens’ College, Cambridge (B.A., history, 1974; M.A. 1976).  Attended London Univ. and the School of African and Oriental Studies, and London School of Economics.  Former President of the Astrological Lodge of London.

Lenore Canter, a native New Yorker, has been a practicing astrologer since 1969.  She has an M.A. in development psychology from Columbia Univ.'s Teachers College and is a past president of the New York Chapter of the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR).  She was born on March 23, 1937, in New York.

Charles E.O. Carter, born Jan. 31, 1887, in Parkstone, England, was a well-known and highly prolific astrologer.  Graduated from the University of London and began practicing Law in 1913.  Served in the army during the First World War.  He was the first principal of the London Faculty of Astrological Studies, President of the Astrological Lodge of the Theosophical Society and Editor of the Astrological Quarterly.

Vernon E. Clark, born Aug. 29, 1911, in Baltimore, Maryland.  Graduated from Columbia Univ., and practiced as a clinical psychologist in the U.S. Army, at Downey Veterans Hospital.  He was the first American to win the Gold Medal of the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London.  Clark is remembered for the blind trial experiments of natal chart interpretation that he conducted from 1959 to 1961, which generally supported the thesis that natal horoscopes are potentially indicative of the life circumstances of the natives.

Doris Chase Doane, born Apr. 4, 1913, in Massachusetts.  Graduated from UCLA with a degree in psychology, taught at the Los Angeles Church of Light, and published over 1500 articles and books, several of which have become standard reference works.

Zipporah Dobyns, born Aug. 26, 1921, a prominent contemporary astrologer, graduated from the Univ. of Chicago (B.A., anthropology, 1944, Phi Beta Kappa), and pursued graduate work at the Univ. of Chicago and the Univ. of Arizona, in clinical psychology.  She has lectured in 38 states and 13 countries, and has received numerous recognitions of her contributions to astrology, is a regular contributor to two periodicals, and an author.

Duane L. Eaks, born Mar. 6, 1940, in Colorado.  Received his B.A. in chemistry in 1963 from Northern Colorado University, and his M.A. in guidance and counseling in 1967 from San Diego State University, and his Ed.D., counseling psychology from the Univ. of California at Berkeley in 1972.  Began studying astrology in 1977 in Australia at the Melbourne Academy of Cosmobiology, and lectures extensively in Australia on astrological counseling and astrological psychology incorporating Jung’s theories.  He’s been the senior lecturer and counseling psychologist for the past 20 years at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Victoria.  He also serves as a psychological consultant to various community agencies including the Victoria AIDS Council.

Steven Forrest, born Jan. 6, 1949, in New York, received a B.A. in religion, and shortly after graduation began his astrological practice.  He has written technical articles for most of the major astrological journals, his work has been translated into several languages, he travels through the U.S. and Canada lecturing on astrological topics, and composed the popular The Sky Within report for Matrix Software, the largest producers of astrological software.

Hipparchus, the preeminent ancient Greek astronomer, developed trigonometry, recorded the location of more than a thousand stars, is said to have discovered the phenomenon known as the precession of the equinoxes, and was a practicing astrologer.

Marc Edmund Jones, born Oct. 1, 1888, in Missouri, was educated at the Theological Seminary of the United Presbyterian Church and Columbia Univ. (Ph.D. in education, 1948). A long-lived individual, he pursued such diverse careers as astrologer, editorial consultant, Protestant minister, and motion-picture scenarist.

Carl Jung utilized astrology in his counseling work, and it was his work with myths and symbols that most influenced modern astrology.  The anima/animus; archetypes; synchronicity; the four elements.

Bradley Wayne Kochunas, born July 29, 1950, in Hartford, Connecticut.  Graduate of Baldwin Wallace College (B.A., religion, 1975), Miami Univ. (M.A. religion, 1985), became interested in astrology in college after reading Grant Lewi’s introduction to astrology, Heaven Knows What, and majored in religion with the express purpose of researching astrology to help it gain academic legitimacy.

A.T. Mann, born August 18, 1943, New York.  Graduated from Cornell Univ. in 1966, with an architecture degree.  He lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark, and developed an astrology system used by astrologers, psychologists, and healers in Europe, the U.S., Australia, and the Far East.

Neil Franklin Michelsen, born May 11, 1931, in Chicago, founder of Astro Computing Services.  He graduated magna cum laude from the Univ. of Miami and was for 17 years a systems engineer for IBM.

Carolyn Myss, born December 2, 1952, B.A. in journalism, is an American medical intuitive and mystic, as well as the author of numerous books and audio tapes, including several New York Times bestsellers, Why People Don't Heal and How They Can (1998), Sacred Contracts (2002), and Entering The Castle (2007).  She states that astrological influences are authentic insofar as they indicate potential and possibilities.

John Nelson, an American radio engineer who specialized in the analysis of shortwave radio propagation.  His remarkable findings in heliocentric configurations verified certain elements of traditional astrology, but was greeted by the astronomical and academic communities with a thundering silence, however, the head of NASA’s Electronics Research Center investigated Nelson’s studies and found them to be accurate.

Sir Issac Newton, born 1642, Lincolnshire, England. Scientist famous for formulating the law of universal gravitation.  Also studied and supported astrology.

John Partridge, born 1643 East Sheen, London.  Started life working as a shoemaker, taught himself Latin, Greek and Hebrew.  Graduated in Medicine from Leyden University Holland.  Author and publisher of astrological almanacs and works.

Bruce Scofield, a contemporary astrologer, born July 21, 1948, in New Jersey.  Holds a B.A. in history from Rutgers Univ., and an M.A. degree in social sciences.

Dr. Norman Shealy M.D., Ph.D., is President of Holos Institutes of Health, Inc, an organization devoted to research, education and clinical services in Holistic Health.  A neurosurgeon, trained at Massachusetts General Hospital, and Duke University, he has specialized in successful treatment of depression and chronic pain, without the use of drugs.  Dr. Shealy considers the evidence for the influence of astrology upon our personalities to be valid

William Shakespeare, born Apr. 26, 1564.  It is said that in each of his plays there is at least one reference to astrology.

Noel Tyl, a contemporary astrologer, born Dec. 31, 1936, in Pennsylvania.  A Harvard graduate with a degree in psychology.

Marianne Williamson, (born July 8, 1952), is a spiritual activist, author, lecturer and founder of The Peace Alliance, a grass roots campaign supporting legislation currently before Congress to establish a United States Department of Peace.  She is the founder of Project Angel Food, a meals-on-wheels program that serves homebound people with AIDS in the Los Angeles area.  She has published nine books, including four New York Times #1 bestsellers.  Marianne has reported her findings of astrology to be a useful adjunct to other self-exploration tools.

Now, don't you feel elevated about your interest in astrology?

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Namaste.  Kim


Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Planets decide health regime for India's rich and the famous - Newstrack India

New Delhi, Mar 21 (ANI): Millennia ago, Indian astrologers and soothsayers had perfected the art or science of looking into your past and peering into your future through a complex set of calculations based on planetary movements.


But now, the modern-day health gurus seem to have established the strong connect between health and astrology as well.



Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science, promises to be the ultimate antidote for the stressed out urban elites, the rich and the famous.


'Amatrra spa', of Delhi, amalgamates the ancient Indian science of Ayurveda or the art of holistic healing, and astrology.


The unique concept of holistic healing and spiritual rejuvenation is based on "health horoscope" or "astro chart" that helps in planetary diagnosis.


Astro-Veda views Earth as a major body of the cosmos and the human body its micro-element and signifies a symbiotic relationship between human body and planets.


Dr Pawan Singh, the astro expert at Amatrra Spa, says that Astroveda believes in the treatment of not just the affected part, but also the individual's whole self through a wide range of horoscope-specific spa treatment.


"This technique is based on point of contact. For example, you come in this room. We believe that you are here on this particular time, it means it is your time so instead of your analysis I will examine the time in which you entered the room and place of Amatrra and longitude, latitude of Amatrra and the complete date," Pawan Singh said.


"On the basis of these entire factors, we make a chart. The chart allows me to tell about the person. This is basically the personification of time. We treat you as a time and this time is you. This chart based on time factor allows me about your body constitution," he added.


Under the model, astro experts goes by the time of an individual's entry into a specially designed room and records the resultant disturbance in the atmosphere caused by this action.


This is done by taking into account the impact of planets like Sun, which denotes energy, Mercury that signifies water, peace and harmony, Mars which symbolises iron ores, Jupiter for intelligence, Saturn which influences nervous system, etc. on an individual as he enters the room.


Once the astro expert diagnoses the individual's problems, the Ayurvedic expert prescribes the line of action for rejuvenation.


"Ayurveda basically is very individualist treatment. Each person has got his own constitution then after the analysis of the astro thing we analyse the person in terms of, like his constitution, what is his body made of, then we plan a treatment chart in consultation with an astro expert as to what all things can be combined in the programme so that he gets a positive effect form what he is ailing from," said Jairam Nair.


A beautifully long and serene pebble-lined water passageway leads to treatment rooms with private shower facility.


Guests get personalized interface with Ayurvedic experts for individual constitutions and horoscope-specific recommendations for prediction, prevention and impact. Even the oils used for Ayurvedic treatment are customized after diagnosis to provide maximum benefit.


The private meditation area is customized according to the guest's planetary position, with appropriate mantras and colour lighting and Vedic chants for activation of positive energies.


The experts provide 32 types of meditation, each with customized mantras that provide the much-needed relief.


A wellness consultant or a fitness expert, a cosmetologist and a gym instructor then add their own recommendations about what needs to be done. Based on the constitution and planetary influences on the individual, the guest is advised other therapies in the spa.


When it comes to physical exercises the customised technique used is 'yoga Pilates', a combination of Yoga and German Pilates that uses mind to control the muscles.


At the end of the session, the guests relax in a Floatarium, a virtually a psychedelic art exhibit, housed in a room inspired by Mother Nature's design of the most secure sanctuary, the maternal womb.


The Floatarium has been fitted in the centre of this womb-shaped room, star-studded with fibre optic lighting.


An hour of the therapy is documented to be the equivalent of four hours of sound sleep, and simulates an experience of floating on a soft moist underlay. It is the therapy of choice to counter insomnia, sleep disorders and jet lag.


An official said the Astro-Veda concept has caught the fancy of health-conscious politicians, Bollywood A-grade listers, business tycoons and fashion celebrities.


"Clearly, astroveda has added value primarily because it has added value to my customers and we are services organisation, we believe extreme strongly in the final value and the services which are provided to and which should be provided to customers," said Yogesh Sethi, Executive Director, Mayar Health Resorts and Amatrra Spa.


The spa at the Ashok has over 700 members while its recently opened branch at Le Meridian has around 45 members. But Amatrra is not willing to divulge their names, citing the sanctity of security and privacy of individuals.


The Spa has been ranked as one of India's top 10 Spas by Forbes Traveller.


"We are the spa which has won the maximum awards both national and international award bodies like Forbes Indian tourism ministry like the Asia spa award," said Deepanjali Mehra, general manager, Amatrra spa.


Through a combination of detoxification, rejuvenation and relaxation programmes, Astroveda can effectively treat lifestyle ailments like loss of memory, fatigue, obesity, backache, insomnia, arthritis, cervical pain, diabetes, hypertension and acidity. (ANI)


Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Cancer Personal Horoscope For April 2010

What do you want? What's that one thing you keep hoping for, that never seems to materialise? You don't have to tell me, but it's important that you're honest about your hopes and wishes. Because right now, you can get very close to the achievement of your desires.

You don't have to move mountains, or steamroller other people into giving you what you want. Just be yourself, and make the most of your social environment. Because some of your friends can be very useful, if you just give them a chance.

As far as relationships are concerned, partners could have a change of mind about an important subject. And if you're in a loose relationship, don't be surprised if other people becomes more distant. It's because they value their freedom, and over the next few months they'll need a lot of space. However it's only a passing phase, and if you show some understanding everything will be fine.

Going back to your social life, and I believe that this month you can make lots of new friends, so go to as many parties as possible, and provided you're careful, it might be a good idea to take advantage of social networking websites on the internet.

Possibly the most fortunate time for you will be the weekend of April 17 and 18, when Venus makes a favourable aspect to Jupiter. You'll be very lucky, and your friends and associates will be on brilliant form.

Looking at your career, and April is going to be a good month. You'll be very focused on what needs to be done, and you'll take the view that it's better to act now than later. So Cancerian entrepreneurs and businesspeople are going to really stand out.

On April 14 there's a New Moon, in the career sector of your solar chart. Whatever has happened in the past, you can turn over a new leaf. So if you're not happy with your current business direction, it's a time when you can make changes.

If on the other hand you're pleased with the way things are going, there'll be opportunities in late April to branch out in new directions, perhaps with the help of other people.

During the last week of April financial arrangements need to be double-checked. Some small detail needs to be clarified, and you must avoid making rash decisions.

March 2010 Forecast by Uranian Methodology

March 15th begins with a new moon. Mercury will begin the day applying to Uranus and it ends with Mercury conjunct Uranus, as we experience this new moon. Expect many arguments related to the health care bill, with possible demonstrations. The planetary picture of the day will be Sun, Moon + Hades = Mercury, Uranus. This indicates revolutionary and unstable behavior. I also think that since we are preparing for St. Patrick's Day, some may start their drinking early. In addition, Venus will be semi square to Admetos. There will be money made in some small sectors, and real estate financing will be in the news, though not in a good way.

March 16th has Mercury at the midpoint of Sun and Uranus. A tense day with sudden and unexpected news, and some of this news will not be too good as Hades will be midpoint the Sun and 0 cardinal. Drive very carefully today. Unemployment figures should climb. World situations are not promising as the midpoint between Saturn and Hades is 0 cardinal, bringing in all that is connected to Hades and 0 cardinal like Sun, Mercury and Uranus. Venus + Jupiter = Hades. Today some have made their money through criminal activity, including robbery.

March 17th begins with Sun conjunct Uranus. Expect the unexpected this morning with Sun, Uranus + Jupiter = Neptune, Zeus. Be very careful of internet fraud, as hackers are getting more innovative in their skills and their scams.

March 18th has Sun square Hades, a day you may want to sleep through. Trouble will be in the foreground. The agenda for today, as far as congress is concerned, is to push the health care bill. If it passes now, with the transits we have approaching, it would not be good for the general public. Mercury will be opposite Saturn, and Mercury + Sun Hades = 0 cardinal. Do not sign any leases or agreements today, but wait two days until Mercury will be in a better position. We may hear of more earthquakes or destructive aftershocks in Chili. Mars + Uranus = Venus. This indicates cosmetic surgery, or violence over money situations. Take your pick. I do not recommend cosmetic surgery today, however, since there is a hard Mercury Saturn aspect.

March 19th. The Sun will be midpoint Hades and 0 cardinal, at the same time Saturn + Pluto = Mercury, plus Saturn + Hades = Jupiter + Venus. Poverty is the name of the game today as the financial news is not good. In fact, it is downright awful. Saturn + Hades still = 0 cardinal with less than a 30 minute orb indicates that the problem is larger than one would like it to be. I am making a guess here, but I think that with these aspects, the stock market should end down today.

March 20th, Saturday is finally here, and I suggest you stay in bed all day today (just joking). Saturn + Hades = Sun, 0 cardinal Mercury is square Pluto in the morning with a 20 minute orb and Venus today is midpoint Mercury and Mars. For those who are looking for a job or want to change jobs I suggest you update your resume and search the web to see which sectors are hiring and send out your resume today. Don't wait till Monday.

March 21st. Today, Sun is applying opposite Saturn. Today is a day to do spring cleaning or any chore that you have put off. Afterwards, just relax and do nothing as Sun opposes Saturn by end of day.

Monday, March 22nd, starts with Venus + 0 cardinal = Mercury. This means that interactive communications flow on a note of optimism. Unfortunately, this optimism will not hold water. At the same time Sun, Saturn will be at the midpoint of Pluto and Hades, which means that situations take a turn for the worse as the day proceeds. Very little is accomplished that is favorable. The day ends with Sun + 0 Cardinal = Pluto + Uranus, and something occurs suddenly somewhere in the world, like an explosion.

Early on March 23rd, Pluto + Uranus = Saturn, as Sun + 0 cardinal = Saturn, and sudden events can result in loses due to destructive forces. Sorrow is in the cards on this day.
I attempted to find something nice and pleasant for this day and could not. Instead I found that Mercury + Venus = Mars + Saturn. Mercury Venus, showing pleasant communication, take on a sour note since Mars equals work, Saturn equals stoppage, and the combined results end in sorrow.

March 24th, and Pluto + Uranus = Saturn still rules the day. I hope I am wrong, but it looks like a feisty and fiery voice will be shouting as he/she will head some fund raising effort as Mercury + Zeus = Venus + Pluto. It looks like still another call for donations. With all this negativity, the positive side of this can be the stock market closing up.

March 25th, Sun + Uranus = Saturn and the day begins with some sudden disappointments. Problems can suddenly erupt and throw you for a loop. At day's end, Sun will be squaring Pluto and both will be at the midpoint to Jupiter and Vulcanus, showing strong financial windfalls. To sum this up, there will be major trouble in the world but the financial market will have a rosy glow about it.

The morning of the 26th begins with Saturn 22 to Venus. The financial picture takes a negative turn. It is a day to be cautious with your money as Jupiter + Admetos = Mercury. There could be some bad housing news. Be careful of your holiday spending, food prices will escalate to the point of hurting your budget

Saturday, March 27th, Jupiter + Apollon = Sun. A mood of optimism is front and center as everyone prepares for Passover and Easter. With this planetary picture, people will be a shopping -- and much more.

March 28th is Palm Sunday. Mercury will be 22 to the midpoint of Saturn and Uranus. Many will be traveling today, and these travels will have sudden disruptions and delays since Mercury will also be midpoint to Jupiter and Neptune/Admetos.

Monday, March 29th, begins with Mercury 22 to Saturn, and there could be bad news. It also points to all the family members traveling to attend the Passover Seder. This combo can also depict the intense work in preparing for the first Passover Seder that will take place that evening. As we experience Saturn, Mercury will also be experiencing Sun 22 to Jupiter, a very good day. The day ends with a full moon semi-square Admetos. This is a mixed day. Mercury Saturn, and the full moon with Admetos is a challenge but Sun Jupiter save the day.

Tuesday, March 30th is a day of limited activity, due to the Sun + Admetos = Mars. At the same time, Mars + Neptune = Saturn. There could be job losses, with Neptune involved in this picture there could be damage due to rain. At the same time 0 cardinal + Neptune = Venus, and financial losses can occur today if not careful. This combo also indicates that it is not a great day for romance.

March 31st, has Pluto + Admetos = Venus. There is not much positive activity, as far as the financial markets are concerned, on this day. Saturn + Uranus = 0 cardinal + Hades. Situations involving poverty, death and destruction are brought to the attention of the public.

Gemini Personal Horoscope For April 2010

Let's look at the broad picture. For the whole of April the planet Jupiter is moving through the career sector of your solar chart. It's moving quickly and it's important that you take advantage of the situation. So in early April, don't allow the Easter break to upset your rhythm.

And I should say that it's OK to be ambitious. If there's something you want, of a business or career nature, then make sure that you go for it.

However don't make a song and dance about it - instead you should quietly get on with the job, without making a fuss. Indeed in most cases it's inadvisable to discuss your plans with other people. So, if you're a chatterbox, and many Geminis are, you'll have to exercise some self-discipline.

During the first week of April Mercury, your ruler, makes a stressful, 90-degree aspect to Mars. There could be a lot of aggravation, and Gemini drivers have to be extra careful. Your road-sense might be below par, and you might do something that you later regret. Perhaps an Easter traffic jam will drive you round the bend? Perhaps you should let someone else do the driving?

Looking at your love life, and partners are going to be on good form, especially over the weekend of April 17 and 18, when Venus aspects Jupiter. They'll have lots to offer, and it won't take much to move the relationship into top gear.

However if you're a single Gemini the month could have a slow start. You probably won't be in the mood for romantic endeavours, and finding the right person could be hard work. Yet the end of the month looks good, as I'll soon explain.

The weekend of the 17 and 18 isn't just important because of the Venus-Jupiter aspect. It's also important because Mercury comes to a standstill - and for the rest of the month, and into May, Mercury is moving backwards.

It's a time of reflection, when some of your plans need to be reconsidered. And plans connected with communication and travelling should probably be put on hold.

Yet on April 24 or 25 Venus moves into your star sign. This is good news. Your love life will improve in a big way, and if you make the effort you can start interacting with the right kind of people.

And in general the last week of April is going to be very lucky for you, across the board. So make the most of everything that comes your way!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Beginning Of The Persian New Year ‘Nauroz’Is Being ... - A Pakistan News

Saturday, March 20, 2010 at 6:02 pm under Pakistan News  Beginning Of The Persian New Year ‘Nauroz’Is Being Celebrated

Beginning Of The Persian New Year ‘Nauroz’Is Being CelebratedKARACHI PAKISTAN News : The beginning of the Persian New Year ‘Nauroz’is being celebrated across the globe including Pakistan today (Saturday) as the new year will start at 10:30pm local time.

Astrology experts said that prayers offered at the starting time is listened by the God.

It is expected that over 300 million people around the globe will be celebrating Nauroz (Persian for New Day) on March 21 this year, as their ancestors have been doing for around three millenniums.

This time, however, the new Iranian year begins as the world community acknowledges the occasions and what it stands for, more than ever before.

In February, the UN General Assembly recognized occasion as a global day of celebration, and the Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon issued a message marking the first International Day of Nauroz.

Nauroz, which coincides with March 21 on the Gregorian calendar, is the first day of the year on the Iranian solar calendar.

It may be mentioned here that the astrology experts predicts about people’s lives with the help of ‘Zaicha’ on the occasion.

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Free Will Astrology - Village Voice

ARIES [March 21â€"April 19] From what I can tell, your excursion to Fake Paradise didn't exact too serious a toll. The accidental detour may have seemed inopportune at the moment, but you know what? I think it slowed you down enough to keep you from doing something rash that you would have regretted later. And are you really sorry you were robbed of your cherished illusions? In the long run, I think it was for the best. As for the scratches on your nose from when you stuck it into business you weren't "supposed" to: They're a small price to pay for the piquant lesson you got in how not to live.

TAURUS [April 20â€"May 20] Some people are here on the planet to find success, while others are here to find themselves. I'm pretty sure that, for the next few weeks, you'll be best served by acting as if you're the latter. Even if you think you've found yourself pretty completely in the past, it's time to go searching again: There are new secrets to be discovered, in large part because you're not who you used to be. So for now, at least, I encourage you to give your worldly ambitions a bit of a rest as you intensify your self-explorations.

GEMINI [May 21â€"June 20] Being a paragon of moral behavior can be fun and rewarding. It's amazing how many interesting people want to play with me just because they think I'm so #%&@ high-minded. But I've got to confess that my commitment to discipline and righteousness is sometimes at odds with my rebellious itch to give you mischievous nudges and outrageous challenges. Like right now, the conscientious teacher in me might prefer to advise you to keep a lid on debauchery, voracity, excess, uproar, slapstick, wise-cracking, fireworks, and limit-pushing. But the rabble-rousing agitator in me feels obligated to inform you that at no other time in 2010 will the karmic price be lower for engaging in such pursuits.

CANCER [June 21â€"July 22] It's time for you to stop specializing in furtive glimpses and start indulging in brazen gazes. You're ready to phase out your role as a peripheral influence and see if you can be more of a high-intensity instigator and organizer. Yes, Cancerian, you've earned the right to claim more credibility and cloutâ€"to leave your tentative position outside the magic circle and head in the direction of the sweet hot spot.

LEO [July 23â€"August 22] "Nature seems to exult in abounding radicality, extremism, anarchy," wrote Annie Dillard. "If we were to judge nature by its common sense or likelihood, we wouldn't believe the world existed. In nature, improbabilities are the one stock-in-trade. The whole creation is one lunatic fringe." Reading this passage is a good way for you to prepare for the immediate future, because you'll soon be invited to commune with outlandish glory. But here's the catch: It may all remain invisible to you if you're blinded by the false belief that you live a boring, ordinary life.

VIRGO [August 23â€"September 22] The storm is your friend right now, Virgo. So are the deep, dark night and the last place you'd ever think of visiting and the most important thing you'd forgotten about. So be more willing than usual to marinate in the mysteries. The areas of life that are most crucial for you to deal with can't be fully understood using the concepts your rational mind favors. The feelings that will be most useful for you to explore are unlike those you're familiar with.

LIBRA [September 23â€"October 22] Here's your mantra for the coming week: "I disappear my fear. I resurrect my audacity." Say it and sing it and murmur it at least 100 times a day. Let it flow out of you after you've awoken each morning and are still lying in bed. Let it be the last sound on your lips as you drop off to sleep. Have fun with it. Dip into your imagination to come up with different ways to let it flyâ€"say it as your favorite cartoon character might say it, like a person with a Swedish accent, like your inner teenager, like a parrot, like a grinning sage: "I disappear my fear. I resurrect my audacity. I disappear my fear. I resurrect my audacity."

SCORPIO [October 23â€"November 21] Have you ever heard about how some all-night convenience stores blast loud classical music out into the parking lot in order to discourage drug dealers from loitering? In the coming days, use that principle whenever you need to drive home a point or make a strong impression. Your aggressive expressions will be more effective if you take the darkness and anger out of them, and instead fill them up with forceful grace and propulsive compassion.

SAGITTARIUS [November 22â€"December 21] The Hebrew word "chalom" means "dream." In his book Healing Dreams, Marc Ian Barasch notes that it's derived from the verb "to be made healthy and strong." Linguist Joseph Jastrow says that "chalom" is related to the Hebrew word "hachlama," which means "recovery, recuperation." Extrapolating from these poetic hints and riffing on your astrological omens, I've got a prescription for you to consider: To build your vitality in the coming weeks, feed your dreamsâ€"and I mean "dreams" in both the sense of the nocturnal adventures you have while you're sleeping and the sweeping daytime visions of what you'd like to become.

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Astrology scams! - Examiner

Buyer beware! Don't fall for these phony astrology scams.

This brief article is to pass along what astrologer Lynn Hayes reported on Astrological Musings. It seems the FBI has listed the "free astrology reading" scam as one of the most difficult internet scams:

"The FBI said this familiar scam has resurfaced in which a victim receives spam or pop-up messages offering free astrological readings. The victim must provide his/her birth date and birth location to receive a free reading. After receiving the reading, the victim is enticed to purchase a full reading with the promise that something favorable is about to happen. The victim pays for the full reading but never receives it, and most attempts to contact the "Professional Astrologer," via email, return as undeliverable, the FBI said."

Lynn's article goes on to tell of her husband's experience when he signed up for one of these just to see what they were all about. You can read about his experience here.

I find the number of scams particular disturbing considering the fact that so many astrologers have worked so long and hard for astrologers to be recognized and respected as professionals. In fact each of the major astrological associations has a very strict code of ethics similar to the one I have copied from below. You'll find more here.

The NCGR Code of Ethics preamble states ~ "Astrologers are dedicated to the development and enhancement of the human condition through an understanding of celestial phenomena as applied to human concerns. Astrologers are committed to honesty, fairness and respect for others. Guided by the objective application of astrological technique as well as a commitment to the improvement of the human condition, astrologers seek to increase understanding and compassion world-wide. They remain acutely aware of the need to understand themselves in order to understand and help others. Astrologers are aware of the immense contribution astrology can make to human knowledge and wisdom, and accordingly encourage inquiry and an open exchange of ideas both outside and within their profession. And above all, astrologers respect the potential power they hold to affect the lives of others, and accordingly strive for the highest levels of competence and diligence." Read the NCGR Code of Ethics in its entirety.

This code of ethics applies to the activities of astrologers in their professional work, as well as in their representations and use of astrology at large.

If you live in Atlanta you can locate an ethical and respected professional astrologer by visiting Metropolitan Atlanta Astrological Society website and sending an email query. Atlanta has many many astrologers who fully and willingly ascribes to the above code of ethics.

For a brief history of how Atlanta Astrologers became fully accredited professionals click here.

So I repeat for emphasis ~ buyer beware of these phony astrology scams.

To follow the Atlanta Astrology Examiner as she examines life on this small planet scroll to the top of this article, and click on SUBSCRIBE. Your e-mail address will not be shared! If there is someone or something you'd like Patricia to write about send your ideas to Lantz is a practicing astrologer and hypnotherapist living in Atlanta Georgia. Want to know more about Patricia? For a complete bio visit Then call or write for a free pre-session consultation ~ (678)-763-0552 or email Patricia is also the Astrology Editor for All Things Healing, an online community for spiritual and healing practices.

Recommended businesses, products, people, places and resources by the Atlanta Astrology Examiner


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Free 2010 Star Astrology information services - PRLog (free press release)



PR Log (Press Release) â€" Mar 20, 2010 â€" We are the astrology consultants of India and provide all the information related to Indian Vedic Astrology. We provide free daily horoscope or free astrology horoscope to all the peoples at free of costs.  Our great Indian astrologers provide janam kundali (Vedic Birth charts), kundali matching and also tell you the prediction of janam kundali at free of costs. Our Star Astrology services also help you in Dream Astrology, Astrological Crystal Gazing, Gemstones Astrology, Graha dasha solution , Spiritual Hypnotherapy, Mantra Jaap, Meditation practice, Indian Numerology, palm reading, Past Life Regression hypnosis and Indian and Vastu shastra.  

Our Indian Astrology specialists can provide answers to all your questions and solutions to all your life’s problems.

Additional information on the Indian Vedic Astrology can be found at
 Our Experts describe you all the current astrological predictions, aspects, research and activities.

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What Will Happen On May 21, 2011-The Astrological Chart Tells All


Some religious minded people are warning that the Rapture will occur on May 21, 2011. Is there any way we can know for sure if this is the correct date? When the Wise men wanted to know the arrival and birth of Jesus, they uses the Star (Astrological) Chart (Matthew 2:1-9). We are so close to May 21, 2011. It's essential that we utilize wise resources to know the Truth (John 8:32; John 4:24). Here's the Astrological Profile Chart for what will occur on May 21, 2011. It you are a Taurus or a Gemini, the Universe has great information for you!

Sun in Gemini-Gemini is ruled by planet Mercury-Gemini is the Genius who is conflicting. Mercury is the planet of Communications and Devices

Mercury in Taurus, Venus in Taurus, Mars in Taurus- A 3 planet alignment in Taurus. So Taurus will be a major consideration of concern for the Universe on May 21, 2011

Taurus is a hardworking, sensual and patient sign. Taurus is ruled by planet Venus. Venus influences emotions and finances. Mercury is the planet of communications and devices. Mars is a planet of struggles. It appears that Taurus will struggle through or with matters of communications, emotions and finances. May 21, 2011 will be a day of struggle for Taurus the Bull. The Universe is implying that the Bull will be successful.

Let's look at the "Bull (Taurus)". The Bible talks alot about the Bull. Usually bull is called Baal. Baal is the Moon God. You can often see the "horns of the moon (which the Egyptians worshippped)" in Crescent moon phases.

Let's see where the Moon will be on May 21, 2011.

The Moon rules the Subconscious and Emotions. the Moon will be in Capricorn on May 21, 2011. Capricorn is the sign of business or the professional world.

Planet Pluto will be retrograde in Capricorn on May 21, 2011. We might as well study "retrograde" planets now. This information will help us understand what the Universe is predicting for May 21, 2011.

Pluto is the planet of the Unknown. Pluto is great energy and can also serve as an eliminator. Capicorn is the professional work. A retrograde Pluto implies that something in the business world will be either "pulled back" or eliminated on May 21, 2011.

The planet Saturn rules Capicorn. Saturn is the planet of balance, responsibility and karma. Saturn is also retrograded in Libra. Libra is ruled by Venus (and Venus rules Taurus also). Libra is a sign of balance.

The Universe is now giving us a clearer picture. On May 21, 2011 A Taurus/Capicorn type "figure" will have struggles (Mars) with communications (Mercury), emotions and finances (Venus). These struggles concern "re do" or past matters which concern the business world. The Universe is indicating that "karma/justice" must be administered in the Taurus' business (Capricorn) world.

I also view planet Jupiter "bordering" close to Taurus, but is residing in Aries. Jupiter is the planet of good fortune or expansion and Aries is the planet of struggle.

Planet Uranus is the planet of "rebellion" and/or sudden "events". Uranus is also in Aries.

The Universe is "forewarning" us that on May 21, 2011 sudden events will occur that will cause Taurus types to have emotional (Venus) struggles in financial (Venus), and business (Capicorn) affairs. Much anxiety and communications (Mercury) will be a part of these struggles.

The struggles are directly related to past actions in the area(s) of business.

Neptune and Chiron will both be in Pisces on May 21, 2011. The Universe is forewarning us that Taurus' struggle of May 21, 2011 will play a significant role in healing.

The True (North) Node is Sagattarius. Sagattarius is the "people" sign and is ruled by planet Jupiter. Jupiter is the expansive, good fortune sign. Planet Jupiter will be in aggressive Aries on May 21, 2011. Once again, the Universe is informing us that the zodiac sign Taurus (which is the hardworking, patient sign, "Bull") sign will be greatly "rewarded" by the Univers on May 21, 2011.

Ascendant Sign is Gemini-Gemini is the Conflicting (Twin) Genius sign.

Descendant is Sagatarrius-Sagattarius is also the True (North) Node. The True Node is the sign that the new born baby is to "attain" to in its life time.

The Imum Coeli is Virgo-The Imum Coeli (IC) is the root and subconscious of the new born. Some Astrologers believe that the IC is the circumstances by which the new born will die (later in life). Virgo's are health conscious and can be critical. Virgo's are ruled by Mercury and associated with Gemini.

Ironically Mercury will be in Taurus on May 21, 2011, and the Sun sign is Gemini. So on May 21, 2011 it appears that the Universe will give this Taurus a big boost of assistance in acheiving its Imum Coeli of Virgo.

The Astrological (Natal) Chart for May 21, 2011 does not imply anything of doom. May 21, 2011 will be an anxious day for the zodiac sign Taurus that brings expansive (Jupiter) blessings. On May 21, 2011, the Universe will also be helping certain Tauruses reach their Virgo Imum Coeli.


This article can be freely edited and utilized as long as credit is given to its author (Gary Colin).

Sun Into Aries: Spring It On And Curb Your Enthusiasm!

Bill Gates is taking a breather in the VIP lounge of a major international airline when an Aries enters the room.  Outgoing and direct, our Aries friend brazenly bounds right up to Mr. Microsoft "Himself" with the following greeting: "Hi Mr. Gates, great to meet you!  Here's how to make Vista work better."

Wouldn't you know it?  Across the very same room is none other than
Robert Gates.

"Hello, Mr. Defense Secretary, so nice to meet you," begins audacious Aries.  "Here's how to win the war in Afghanistan."

Her saucy style and the dynamic beeline she makes straight to the power players is likely to ruffle more than a few of the conservative feathers in this lounge.  Some folks on the other hand, will find her boldness and honestly positively refreshing, and even a little admirable.  Either "Mr. Gates" will  be intrigued by one of her original suggestions.  One thing is certain; Aries will make an impression.

In her heart of hearts, she is not being obnoxious, excessively forward nor self-important.  She's genuinely trying to help, naturally gravitating to leaders and sees no point in wasting an  opportunity.  We have something to learn from her sheer gumption, teflon-coated courage and sincere innocence -- the ability to act fearlessly.  Saturn and Pluto however, have a few lessons of their own in store, and Uranus, with a little encouragement from Jupiter, has her own agenda altogether.  

Like mounds of molasses mired in cosmic fluid, for the past three months the majority of the planets have hovered along the winter horizon of the zodiac as they have made their way to the start of spring at a pace that has put snails to sleep.  Even spirited Mars in cheer-leading Leo was in reverse gear for the winter, and tenacious Saturn in Libra also went retrograde back in mid-January.  On March 20th at 10:32A.M. PST, the life force returns as Sun enters the cardinal fire sign of Aries.  If you've felt stuck, blocked or stagnant for the past few months, all of that is about to change.  But your dreams are unlikely to come true overnight.  

This year's Aries cycle can be likened to a Cosmic boot camp, one in which your aspirations will be put through the rigors of warrior training under the watchful guidance of some the Universe's toughest drill sergeants, namely Saturn and Pluto. Completing this Aries cycle with dreams in tact and a belly still full of fire will assure you that your ambitions have passed muster, and you and they are well prepared for this summer's T-square.  That series of strong configurations will find many of the planetary themes visited during the solar Aries cycle ahead amplified. Ready to be all you can be?

Back to inspire us to kick ass and take names, the proverbial "great ball of fire" in Aries will find willing and rowdy companions in Venus and Mercury, already transiting the sign of instigation. The Aries' ruler Mars will also be picking up speed in indomitable Leo.  This rambunctious bunch are ready to rumble to give us some gusto. Themes of personal power, strength and confidence are great morale builders during the first leg of this solar sojourn.  To curb our enthusiasm or to sustain Aries blazing ambitions, the Sun will be opposed by Saturn on March 21st and squared by Pluto on the 25th.  Venus will move into more sensible Taurus terrain on March 31 and Mercury will follow on April 2nd before turning retrograde in this fixed earth sign from April 17th through May 11th.  

All signs have what respected astrologer and author Steven Forrest refers to as a shadow.  For Aries, a penchant for starting fights for the sake of provocation is part of its shadow.  Failing to read the room and exercise some degree of awareness of others, let alone sensitivity toward them, is another alienating quality.  The Cosmic mechanism for illuminating the shadow is a sign's opposite sign.  Together the two energies create a polarity, one that integrates the attributes of both signs.  For example, where Pisces is too out there and wishy-washy, Virgo, its opposite sign, demands definition and practicality.  Conversely where Virgo is too rigid and too much of a perfectionist, Pisces offers flow and compassion.  

The antidote to Aries aggression and self-absorption lies in its opposite sign of Libra.  With impeccable grace, Libra must relate to others and create harmony for the whole.  Presently Saturn, the planet of restriction and lessons, is in Libra opposing the Sun, and during this cycle, it will make its way back into Virgo.  Aries, which is never fond of being bogged down in either committees or details, will be forced to reconcile is freewheeling ferocity with austere Saturn transiting both Libra and Virgo.  This Saturn transit back into Virgo, in fact, is also highly likely to ask Aries how it intends to fund its ambitions, in real financial terms.  Remember, the Saturn through Virgo cycle of September 2007 through October 2009 was the time of the housing bust, the initial bank bailout and the global economic crisis.  Saturn in Virgo keeps extremely meticulous books and demands the same of us.

Also checking Aries temerity is Pluto in Capricorn, sitting 90 degrees away and thus forming squares to the Sun, Venus and Mercury as they transit Aries.  If Aries is the life force, Pluto is the Cosmic death threat.  Without hesitation, it will lay waste to unfounded, overinflated Aries assertions. Now in the sign ruling business, government and institutions, this battle-hardened drill sergeant of planets, along with war buddy Saturn, will push young warriors with all 75 pounds of gear up to the top of the hill, even when the temperature soars well-over 100 degrees. They believe that hard work and discipline are how to make great leaders of their troops.  And so it is with the Cosmos during this solar Aries cycle.  Only she doesn't think of it as preparation for battle.  She is throwing a springtime garden party. To assure that it is a lively affair, she has invited some judicious, sober and heroic guests. She wants to enjoy the hearty discourse amongst them.

Never predictable, always electrifying Uranus is crashing the party.  Game-changing Uranus, now in impossible to pinpoint Pisces, is on her way to give Saturn a run for his money and perhaps a boost to some of Aries unorthodox methodology.  Though the next Uranus Saturn opposition is not exact until April 26th, its slow-building influence will be in increasing effect while the Sun transits Aries.  Uranus, like Aries, lives to liven things up, and the two are equally appalled by "the rules."  Buoyant Jupiter, traveling close in Uranus' entourage, will also help check Saturn's more stodgy tendencies. If there is a short cut to getting that gear uphill, Aries, Uranus and Jupiter will exploit it.  And they'll receive a medal for their innovation.  Just wait until these forces are fully activated in early June when Uranus and Jupiter enter Aries. This battle of creative new strategies versus tried-and-true traditions is just getting underway and it will play out all summer long.  

Certainly spring's upbeat beginning with four planets moving forward in fire signs is inspirational and enlivening.  The snails are celebrating!  But what this cycle's aspects suggest is that our designs are still very much in process, one that will intensify this summer.  Old Aries paradigms of act first, think later are met stiff resistance from stern Saturn and Pluto.  They argue that shooting out of the gate is the surest path to burnout and they are aiming for a more sustained plan.  Yet a Uranian impulse to brush off outmoded rules and unwarranted, cumbersome authority, in lockstep with Jupiter's expansive optimism, will keep our spirits high, ideas flooding in and convention in check.  Mercury and Venus moving into grounded Taurus during this solar cycle add some helpful stamina to our visions as well.  After such a slow winter, this is bound to be one entertaining garden party.  You are cordially invited, and PT is at O six hundred!

Spring Holistic Fair - Rocky Mountain Collegian

Spring Holistic Fair

Join us for a fun weekend, March 20 & 21, at our NEW LOCATION- the
Aztlan Community Center, 112 Willow St, Ft. Collins! Explore alternative choices for taking care of your body, mind, spirit & our environment. Discover aspects of your self /Self through astrology, tarot, palmistry, clairvoyant readings, aura portraits and other intuitive arts. Experience healing modalities from massage and reflexology to energy re-balancing and aromatherapy, just to name a few. Sample healthy nutritional supplements. Learn about crystals & healing qualities of music. Shop with our creative vendors, unique artisans & local “fresh food” vendors. Register for exciting door prizes!

$5 /day $8 /weekend Children 12 and under FREE.
Bring a canned food donation & receive $1 off admission. WE HELP RAISE FOOD for the Food Bank of Larimer County.

Visit for further information & 2 for 1 coupons.
Lots of Free Parking!

See you at the Fair!

Submitted by Carol Ostrom

Where: Northside Aztlan Community Center, 112 Willow, Fort Collins (east of North College Ave, north of Jefferson/Riverside)

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Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Insanity Or Lunacy in Astrology

Loss of mental stability in daily life is termed as lunacy or insanity. A person lives in the three distinct mental levels. Lower self or unconscious level of mind, middle self or conscious level of mind and higher self or superconscious level of mind. In a healthy person these three levels of mind work in a balanced and a synchronizing way. While in a lunatic person the three selves are unbalanced and desynchronized.

In a layman language lunacy or insanity generally means a stage where the attention of the mind is being diverted and unfocused. It is caused by the nervous debility due to mental disturbance and lack of common sense.

Factors Responsible For Insanity in Astrology

Ascendant: general mental and physical abilities of the person
4th house: represent human mind
5th house: stands for mental capacity and extra -ordinary brilliancy
6th house: denotes sickness
Moon: significator of mind
Mercury: mental brilliance and intelligence
Sun: mental brilliance, inner illumination
Saturn: obstruction to body metabolism and function of organs
Rahu/Ketu: significator of obsessive and compulsive disorder

Different Combination for Lunacy or Insanity

Heavy affliction to Moon and Mercury are the definite sign of lunacy
Moon and Mercury should be in a quadrant aspected or conjoined with a malefic planet and a malefic planet in 5th/8th, the native may have the fits of epilepsy
Moon/Mercury with the lords of ascendant and 8th house
Saturn and waning Moon posited in 12th
Saturn in ascendant and Mars posited in 9th/5th/7th house
Jupiter in ascendant and Mars in 7th, indicate lunatic behaviour
Moon is with a malefic and Rahu is posited in 5th/8th/12th, sure sign of aggressive mental disorder
Mercury joins Mars in 6th
The Moon is in conjunction of Saturn/Ketu
In Pisces/Virgo ascendant conjunction of Saturn and Rahu in the first degree of Virgo induces lunacy in the person.
Mars powerfully aspecting or in conjunction with Mercury in the 6th/8th house
Mutable signs [Gemini; Virgo; Sagittarius] in an angle and heavily afflicted

Astrology of Aries - Sign of Spring - Associated Content

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. Usually beginning on the 21st of March, it is associated with the Spring Equinox. The phrase that Aries is known for is "I think; therefore I am." Thinking and intellect play a huge role in the astrology of Aries.

Spiritually, since Aries is so close to Easter, the sign of the Ram implies new beginnings and focus on which directions to take.

Represented by the planet Mars, fiery Aries is a high-energy sign. Categorized as a cardinal sign, this native has the desire and the capability to take charge. A good leader, the Aries personality displays true bravado. Strategy is characteristically another Aries strong suit.

Being a hard worker with lots of energy, Aries isn't likely to be found on any unemployment roles. He or she can always find work of some kind, even it means starting a business.

An Aries man is in the perfect astrological position as far as masculinity goes. He is active, and he is brave. His intelligence applied to making his mark could almost be described as swashbuckling. He is idealistic, and has the energy to back up his idealism.

You don't find much hesitation with an Aries woman. She's the type of worker who jumps right in with hands on. You won't find her laying out preparations, setting up tools and proceeding cautiously. She'll take care of the details later.

Idealism is another key word for Aries. Optimistic in almost all things, Aries is often looking up at the sky neglecting to watch where the feet are going. In a love affair, Aries looks for perfection - so much so, this attribute can be a setup for disappointment.

An Aries native doesn't mind contrast. Aries has a flair for the exotic, and is often known for marrying into a different culture or to someone from a foreign country. When looking for that special someone, this native gravitates toward individuals with a generalist mindset. Because of the extreme focus of Aries, a mate who looks at the whole picture makes a nice compliment.

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Correlation Between 12 Astrological Signs and the Norse Gods and Goddesses


The new Age of Aquarius has given us the new paradigm of the Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics.

There is a divine intelligence, a divine creator and a divine timing that runs the whole known universe.

Our ancestors knew more about these things than we do. We blind ourselves in our egotistical belief system that our technology has made us superior to all the civilizations that have gone on before.

The truth being that the more technology the farther from reality.

Technology is just the outer sheath that shows physicalness. Truth is non-physical. It is spiritual.

The new Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics tell us that all is spirit, or energy or vibration. It is also showing us that there is a connection between all things on the planet.

One of the sub laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics is called the Law of Resonant Frequencies. This tells us the things that have the same vibration are equal to each other.

Example: You, your photo. Your hair, your blood, your DNA all vibrate with the same frequency. Therefore they are all equal.

The new Laws of Radionics and Spiritual Quantum Physics tell us that whatever you do to your photo, or hair, etc will affect you, the physical person.

These new laws are telling us that not only is everything connected by frequency but that there is also a direct correlation between these similar frequencies.

Even though we have not found the direct correlation between all things on the planet we do know some of these correlations.

There is a correlation between runes, colors, astrological signs, sounds, symbols, gods/goddesses and even the Palaces where the gods/goddesses live.

There is an energy that runs through them all and connects them. You can reach any of the others by working with another one. You can contact the Palaces of the Gods/goddess or even the gods/goddess themselves through working with astrological signs that correlate to them.

This is one of the great secrets revealed to us through the new paradigm of the laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics. In the next several hundred years all the secrets of creation will be shown to us.

Many of these secrets have been lost. But it is all slowly being rediscovered.

Here are some of the correlations between the runes, the Norse gods/goddess, the Palaces where they live and the 12 astrological signs. Use them in your rituals.

Thor's palace is called BILSKNIR - "Lightning" and correlates with ARIES.

Skadi's palace is called THRYMHEIM - "Thunder Home" and correlates with TAURUS.

Freya's palace is called FOLKVANG -"Field of Warriors" and correlates with GEMINI.

Heimdal's palace is called HIMMINBJORG - "Heaven's Hall" and correlates with CANCER.

Baldur's palace is called BREIABLIKK - "Broad view" and correlates with LEO.

Saga's palace is called SOKKVABEKK - "Stream of Time and Events" and correlates with VIRGO.

Forsetti's palace is called GLITNER - "Hall of Splendor" and correlates with LIBRA.

Odin's palace is called GLADSHEIM - "Shinning Home" - and correlates with SCORPIO.

Uller's palace is called YDALIR - "Valley of Yews" and correlates with SAGITTARIUS.

Vidar's palace is called LANDVIDI - "White Land" and correlates to CAPRICORN.

Vali's palace is called VALASKJALF - "Halls of Silver" and correlates with AQUARIUS.

Niord's palace is called NOATUN - "Shipyard" correlates with PISCES.

Uranus and Your Declaration of Independence

Every year you have the opportunity to break through your old and tired ways of doing things. This occurs when the Sun meets Uranus, planet of shock, surprise, and... break through. Eventually all of us fall into a routine. Routine is good. If you did not have much of our everyday minutiae packaged into routine you would expend all of your energy on such things as figuring out where the corner bus stop is, for example.

But too much routine deadens the soul. From time to time you need to break out just to feel that you are still alive. We could not live together as a society if we did not compromise. All of us make accommodations all of the time. If you are married, you work out accommodations with your spouse.

Unless you are independently wealthy, you probably spend many of your waking hours working to earn money to pay your bills. Even if you have your own business and you have chosen the products and services you want to provide, you have to make accommodations to your clients.

It is too easy to get into a trap of needing to please everyone else--or sacrificing your dreams because they are not 'practical.' But when Uranus is touched off, you are reminded that to really live, there are times when you will need to put yourself first. This is not selfishness, it is survival of the soul.

Uranus is not known for its tact or patience. So when you are feeling its energy strongly you are moved to take actions that some will find shocking or surprising. You are asserting your independence so you can be true to yourself. The more you have 'gone along to get along,' the more your assertion of independence is liable to shock others. But once you have tasted the feeling of acting in accord with your deepest values, it is difficult to accept anything less.

Going 'against the grain' implies doing things or seeing things in an unconventional way and Uranus is associated with unconventionality. And unconventionality is both jarring and exciting, particularly if people in your environment are accustomed to your acting in certain patterns.

But taking the singular path and stepping outside your usual frame of reference is liberating. It is also the seat of genius as it presents the familiar in a different perspective. Since much of problem solving is contingent on how the problem is framed, stepping outside the usual set of assumptions automatically presents an alternative perspective.

Moonsign Astrology for March 21 Through 27 - Associated Content

Kick off the week with a special note for the spring equinox. Take Sunday as a quiet and meditative day with good thoughts for our planet Earth and loved ones. Moving into the first quarter moon phase on Tuesday should find plans activated and moving along toward a point of fruition.

Moonsigns of the day are a general mood for everyone. These days need not match anyone's sun sign to be effective. If the moon sign and the sun sign match, it's usually a perk.

Colors for the day synchronize with the moonsign mood.

March 20

Taurus - pink, pale blue & green, reddish brown, dark tan


Spring Begins EST on 20th

Today Spring officially begins. A nice serendipity is that the moon sign is in Taurus, a sign of the earth. When spring begins, so do thoughts of the Earth. The snow begins to melt and prepares the ground for upstarts of greenery that will be our surround. This should be a meditative day. Be peaceful with surroundings and loved ones as it sets the pace for the next three months.

Gardeners: cultivate, plant leafy, above ground crops

March 21, 22, 23

Gemini - yellow, orange or any color

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday

First Quarter Moon on Tuesday

Write, travel, communicate, send mail, and socialize.

Gardeners: aerate soil

March 24, 25

Cancer - light gray, soft yellow, white

Wednesday, Thursday

These two days are also a good days for writing. Beauty treatments and shopping are favored. Bring out a favorite recipe, and make something good to eat. Focus on children and family.

Gardeners:plant leafy crops, trim to increase growth

March 26, 27

Leo - red, orange, yellow, royal blue

Friday, Saturday

Leo, being a sociable sign, makes this weekend good for get togethers. If in need of favor, this is a good day to ask for one. Beauty treatments are favored.

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.