Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Using Astrology to Boost Your Romantic Prospects

Before reading this article you should ask yourself whether you really want to be in a relationship, at this particular time in your life. Forget what your family and friends say, forget the romantic expectations foisted on you by the media. Instead listen to your heart, and decide whether or not love should be your main priority.

If you reach the conclusion that romance is something that you really want, then I'm sure that astrology can help you.

Although astrology can be used in many ways, for example in terms of finding compatibility between two horoscopes, one of its most important branches is the finding of the right moment to do something. And it's this branch that I want to focus on.

So if you're taking a romantic initiative the astrological situation should be as good as possible. Examples of such initiatives include phoning someone for the first time, going out on a first date or having a first sexual encounter with a new partner.

There are three simple checks you can take, without having to know anything about astrology. They relate to the lunar cycle, the days of the week and the position of Mars.

Your romantic initiatives should take place at the time of a waxing Moon. This is when the Moon is getting bigger, and the waxing phase starts when the Moon is New and ends when it's Full. You can find out what days the New and Full Moons are by looking at astronomy and astrology websites.

The waxing phase of the Moon is a time of growth, when things get better and better. A relationship that has its beginnings during the waxing Moon is aligned to the positive side of the lunar cycle.

And the absolute best moments of the waxing phase are usually seven to ten days after the New Moon. The Moon is bright, but you avoid the tension of the immediate build up to the Full Moon.

Once you've addressed yourself to the phase of the Moon, you should consider the day of the week. Because, when it comes to love, some days are luckier than others. This might sound strange, but it's often forgotten that the days of the week are ruled by different planets.

The planet of love is Venus, and the day of the week ruled by this planet is Friday. So all things being equal, Friday is the best day for finding love. Thursday is a good second best, because the planet ruling this day is Jupiter, which is the planet of good luck. Probably the worst day for taking romantic initiatives is Saturday. This is because the ruler of Saturday is the planet Saturn, which is connected with restriction and frustration.

This may come as a surprise, because Saturday's the weekend and it's a prime day for romantic activity. Also, a lot of people get married on Saturday, which is actually a bad idea, and is perhaps why the divorce rate is so high.

I should make one important point about astrological days. They start and finish at dawn. So astrologically it's still Wednesday (ruled by Mercury) until sunrise on Thursday. And astrologically Thursday continues until dawn on Friday. This means that if you take a romantic initiative at 2 am on Saturday morning, the astrological day is still Friday, ruled by Venus. It won't be Saturday, ruled by Saturn, until the Sun rises.

Another thing you should consider is the position of Mars. This is the planet of passion and you should avoid sleeping with someone for the first time while this planet is moving backwards - or 'retrograde', to use the astrological jargon.

While many couples have perfectly happy sexual relations when they've consummated their union under a retrograde Mars, it's possible that this backward-moving Mars causes jealousy and rivalry. And perhaps sexual incompatibility as well.

In 2010 Mars is retrograde until March 10. In 2011 it doesn't go retrograde. In 2012 it's retrograde from January 23/24 through to April 13/14.

To sum up, I've given you three things to consider before taking romantic initiatives, that don't require any astrological knowledge to put into practice. I believe that these three considerations can give a major boost to your romantic prospects.

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