Planetary Forecast
Continuing on the trends of last week, there is an interesting forecast of planetary weather. It is true that Mars and Saturn will still be retrograde - and I cannot reiterate enough that this can be potentially hazardous for all involved. This affects the people on Earth not only an individual level, but on a social one as well. The attack on the IRS building in Austin, TX is an example of how good intentions can quickly turn destructive with the current planetary energy. Although everybody's situation is different, so do not expect calamity or destruction on your plate. Just be aware of your emotions, your words, and your actions.
One of the important planetary transits happening this week is Mercury's movement into Aquarius, to join the other three benefic and powerful planets of Venus, Jupiter, and the Sun. With this comes a further abundance of creative energy - but, also, the ability to directly communicate that energy with Mercury. The transit occurs on 02/25/2010, a Thursday. The conjunction with these four planets can throw our energy out of whack, because of the surge of their mutual creative energy. The Sun, representing the Soul, will be conjunct Mercury, representing communication, Venus, representing creation, and Jupiter, representing expansion. Allow for a continued few weeks of creative output. Take advantage of it while you can.
Although not well known, there are two shadow planets in our astrological sky. In India, they are known as Rahu and Ketu. Although mentioned in previous weeks, I want to take the time here and explain a bit about these two planets. In the West, they are known as the north and south node, respectively. They are known to govern outcastes, outlaws, revolutionaries, genius, spirituality, foreign people, insanity, windfalls and luck, calamity, unknown causes of disease, and other subjects of mystery. Through their influence, a normally positive planetary situation in a birth chart can be rendered negative. And, conversely, they can bring about the strangest of luck and circumstance, often defying logic and reasonable procedure. They are known as shadow planets because they eclipse the luminaries, the Sun and Moon. They are actually mathematical coordinates in space where, when passing during a new or full Moon, they can cause eclipses. In a later post I will post their myths.
In any event, Rahu and Ketu are currently in Sagittarius and Gemini, respectively. You will notice that your sense of obligation to authority - whether that be political, spiritual, or familial - and the quest or path that you are taking in life, will be radical and contrary to your normal course. The important thing here to realize is that these two planets can flip expectations on their head, but it is to reveal what is normally concealed. Investigate what you are concealing within - your desires, intentions, and dreams.
Lunar Forecast
With the Moon reaching its apex on 02/27/2010, the full Moon night, we will be expecting a ramping up of intensity of lunar energy. The Moon will be at the disposal of the strong and violent energies of Ketu in Gemini and the retrograde Mars in Cancer before reaching the bright, but tranquil, position of its fulness in Leo.
While passing through Gemini and its conjunction with Ketu on the nights of 02/23/2010 and 02/24/2010, we can expect to see a storm of inner turmoil - because, as told in the Vedic myths, Ketu is the timeless enemy of the Moon. Seclude yourself on these nights, do not allow the random and unexpected afflictions of Ketu to manifest and affect the delicate nature of the Moon. Going into the next nights too, before the full Moon, be aware of attacks and outbursts as the Moon transits into Cancer - its own sign, increasing its power and energy - and conjunct Mars. The fiery red planet, Mars, is known to disrupt the sensitive and changeable nature of the Moon - this translates as emotional and mental distress, strong suppressed feelings, and nervousness.
The situation improves, thankfully, as the Moon exists these influences and rests alone - but with aspect - in the sign of Leo. It will be aspected by the Sun, which causes the full Moon brightness, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter. This is a beautiful and potent aspect and night, on 02/27/2010. The tumult of the previous nights, while the Moon passes over Ketu and Mars, will be well worth the effort once the Moon glides happily into Leo and this mutual co-creativity. The Nakshatra, or lunar mansion, on this night will be Magha - in Sanskrit roughly translating as 'noble'. Magha will represent our noble intentions and will towards prosperity. Allowing for the miraculous, the unattainable, and the stars - with the fuel and help of the strong planets aspecting the Moon from Aquarius, you can expect an especially magnificent full Moon night.
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