Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Aries - Astrological Sign - the Ram - Associated Content

What Are the Attributes of Aries?

ARIES - March 21st - April 20th

Represented by the Ram, an animal of great courage and spirit. A natural leader. Don't play monopoly with Aries; he will pass go take everyone's two hundred dollars, and expect you to give him you get out of jail free


Ambitious, enthusiastic, creative, independent, arrogant and stubborn. Impatient and bossy.

You want everything to happen right now, if not sooner! In love, you're a real romantic.

You act first and think later, and the fire in you makes people avoid you when you explode. You are a strong adversary, and if anyone stands in your way, they better watch out! Aries fight for what they believe in

You are very good at initiating things, but never finish anything. Too impulsive, and your mind is too active! As you get older, you will learn to slow down and think things through.

Fire sign. These are self-sufficient, risk takers. They are the most sensual of the four elements. They are fun and creative, but can be selfish, demanding and bossy. They refuse to see any side but their own. They give light and heat, don't plan very far into the future and will burn whatever fuel is available at the time.

Your Planetary Ruler

Mars, the Red planet, the colour of passion and energy. Mars governs strength, courage and violence. He rules the head and the ego. As the primary planet, Mars motto is 'Just Do It.'

Health issues: Headaches, eye disorders, backache and blood pressure problems.

Gemstones: Bloodstone and Diamond.

Profession: Something where you can take charge. Otherwise you prefer to work on your own. Journalism, advertising, publishing or media studies are ideal, because you get to mould public opinion.

Money matters: You buy everything impulsively, using your five credit cards like you own the bank. You love your car and the sound system and the mag wheels. You have the latest cellphone and iPod. You are probably in and out of debt all the time.

Symbol - The Ram

Element - Fire

Ruling Planet - Mars

Love Planet - Venus

Best Colours - Red, brown and copper.

Metals - Iron, Steel

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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