Astrology and the Star of the Original Italian Job
Born on the 14th March, 1933, in London, Maurice Micklewhite was the son of a fish market porter.Michael Caine, Early Life and His Horoscope
Michael left school at age 15 and took a series of working class jobs before joining the British army and serving in Korea during the Korean war. On returning to England he was drawn to the theatre and got a job as an assistant stage manager. It is perhaps not altogether surprising that Michael Caine should have achieved world-wide fame as an actor when he has the sun, Mercury, Venus and Uranus all in the upper hemisphere of his chart. These are the planets of creative talent and Uranus, planet of originality and flair is the rising planet in his chart. The upper hemisphere is that section of a chart which relates to other people, or the general public.
Michael Caine's Charming Personality and Astrology
An exceptionally alert mind with a gift for crackling repartee is a Geminian ascendant trait. Mercury, the ruler of his chart is placed in his tenth house of career, prestige and public image. This to a large extent helps Michael to present himself to the public in a favourable light and one that also impresses itself on the memory of the audience. Pluto, Mars, Neptune, Jupiter and the Moon are all contained in the lower hemisphere of his cart and these balance the planets in the upper sector to result in a well-balanced character.
Michael Caine in Is Anybody There?
Balance can also be seen in Michael's most recent movie Is Anybody There, a gentle drama in which Michael plays Clarence, an aging magician struggling to keep hold of his dignity and his mind. He is packed off to Lark Hal, a residential home in a small seaside town where he builds up an unexpected friendship with Edward, an inquisitive shy ten year old whose mother runs the house.
Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
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