Friday, March 12, 2010

Pisces, Mutable Signs, and Green Garlic Shoots

My ephemeris tells me that the Sun is still making its way through Pisces. The Sun's journey through Pisces begins in the third week of February and ends on the Spring Equinox, when the Sun enters Aries.

In Western or Tropical Astrology, the astrological signs are tied closely to the changing of the seasons. And Pisces is tied to Winter's last gasp.

This week I am noticing some subtle changes telling me that spring is just around the corner.

The days are getting noticeably longer. Two months ago the skies were dark by 5 pm. Now the sun is setting after 6pm.

While my garden looks like a pitiful collection of dead leaves and stems, I saw a plethora of baby green leaves on the coneflower plants. And green garlic shoots are coming out of the ground.

For me, coming through an unusually rough winter, the biggest sign of spring is that a major storm is forecast for this weekend, and it will be rain, not snow!

Old Man Winter's grip is beginning to fall away, but he is not gone, not yet. The weather is still too uncertain to plant the early veggies like lettuce; in this region, we will not be past the danger of frost for several weeks.

Pisces is the last sign of the winter season. Like all mutable signs, it is a bridge between seasons. We are feeling conditions change, but it is still too soon to call it spring.

The message of the mutable signs is to be flexible, adapt, and roll with the punches. Each mutable sign does it in its own way.

It is appropriate that Pisces is an inward-looking sign. It is in the element of water, which navigates through the use of intuition and emotion--emotion in the sense of the emotional guidance system described in the Abraham-Hicks literature.

It absorbs the influences of the environment like a sponge (a good reason for people with Pisces prominent in their chart should periodically schedule down-time to rid themselves of toxic vibes they pick up in their day-to-day business).

Pisces is drawn towards the things that makes it feel warm, expansive, and happy. It recoils from criticism, pain, discomfort. In other words, Pisces navigates by feel.

Pisces works by dissolving barriers. It is tied in closely to intuition and emotion, making it highly creative. After all creativity, the act of synthesizing two or more things in a novel way, is a function of the right-brain where the intuition resides.

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