Monday, March 1, 2010

Sagittarius And Health

                You are one lucky person, Sagittarius. Being ruled by the planet Jupiter, you just seem have to be best friends with Lady Luck. Due to your outlook towards the future, you seem to have a very positive disposition and do not let the wrongs of today effect your tomorrow. To you Sagittarius people, there is always another day. Independence is your mantra and damn anyone who wants to hold you back. Sagittarius people are known for their free, restless, and adventurous sprits that thrive in situations with constant change and new ideas. They are the philosopher and explorer of the zodiac, wanting to expand and understand the knowledge that is put in front of them; Sagittarius people just want to know everything to the extreme.  Due to this intense desire for freedom and new horizons, you Sagittarius people are not the best in relationships. You dislike commitment because that means you have to stay put and to you this can be very depressing.

                FITNESS: For you, and active life is what is needed to help keep you out of the sick bed. Fresh air, sunshine, and the great outdoors are all things you love and enjoy. So for the Sagittarius soul, hiking and biking are terrific activities to keep that positive sprit going strong. Also, since Jupiter is your ruling planet, your legs, thighs and hips are all part of your concern. Sagittarius people tend to have long well shaped legs, so being a runner or participating in a marathon could be something that would be great as an exercise alternative. You are the natural athlete of the zodiac and a fervent lover of the active life so physical fitness will not only help your health, but for the Sagittarius person exercise is a form of relaxation. Physical activity is like a massage to you. Beware though, in your youth your body tends to be lean and slender but, as you age you are very prone to weight gain so keep up the active lifestyle.

                DIET: A proper diet is extremely important for the on the go Sagittarius people. If they consume a diet high in fats, starches, and other unhealthy additives they can greatly affect their already sensitive liver (the planet of Jupiter controls the liver, so for a Sagittarius it is something to pay attention to). When the liver is affected then the high energy that is so crucial to a Sagittarius will be something that they will have to fight with. Also, when talking about the liver, it comes without saying that the over-consumption of alcohol will have a much higher effect on a Sagittarius then on other signs of the zodiac. For you not only a high physical energy level is important, but also constant mental stimulation is very important. So for you, a certain mineral is needed to help maintain not only the intense physical side of a Sagittarius but also the intense mental side as well. Also, the rule of mini meals (like about for our five) is better for you than three large meals a day.  The mineral goes by the name Silla and can be found in the skins of fruits and vegetables, potatoes, oats and whole wheat cereals. For the issue of later life weight gain, Sagittarius people should stick to high protein diets of broiled chicken and fish as well as a ton of fruits and veggies. Smoking tobacco is not a good idea for the Sagittarius person due to the fact that is constricts the blood vessels and will not allow for the right nutrients to get to the areas they are needed, like to the brain to stimulate active functions and mental processes.

                SKIN CARE: The skin on a person who is born under the sign of Sagittarius seems to be thinner and more tender than the skin of others. So for this simple fact, sun screen is a must when out in the sun, as well as trying to avoid windy areas due to the possibility of wind burn. Remember the liver conversation we talked about earlier? Well not only will the liver effect your body, but skin is a victim as well. The more consumption of alcoholic beverages, the more likely for the skin to become coarse and age quickly for anyone who over does it. Since the liver is a huge issue with the Sagittarius person, this result is tripled the normal person so be careful. Due to the fact that a Sagittarius person cannot stand still for one second, sleeping is something that you just do not like to do often. Being stagnant kills you. The fact of your lack of sleep will affect your body but it is the skin that gets the biggest punch. Under eye discoloration and puffiness can be a huge complaint thanks to your issue with sleep, so try and get some sleep. If you already have the effects of sleepless nights and too much exposure to the environment, then it is time for you to use some kinds of skin care product to help with you condition. Due to the tender and sensitive nature of your skin, all natural based products with very organic ingredients are the Sagittarius way to go. The ingredients will not cause irritation and work very well with your body, especially the liver.

                Possibility is a key word with you and the feelings of being restricted or having your choices taken away is like taking the breath out of your lungs and the outcome can be quite explosive. I mean you are a fire sign and these types of people are known for their tempers. So keep your positive outlook on life constant as well as your good health and fitness routines, and there is no stopping you Sagittarius; besides who would want to.

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