Having your finances in order is what most of us want and know that you have a good amount of finances behind you to back you up when ever you get those unexpected bills. There are people who are lucky enough to be born with a chart that indicate wealth during your life. However we are not all that lucky and some people have to struggle to make ends meet.
This is where astrology can be a great help to you it will assist people in choosing the right time when the planets are in the right aspects to their own natal chart. If you start a new project where there is money involved or if you expect to make money from your project you should make sure to pick a time when there is a good aspect at work.
If you do not already have your horoscope made up then you should make a point of having this done. However if you do not know the time of your birth then you can easily make a chart based on your Sun-Sign. You place the Sun of the sign you were born in the first house the rest of the other planet in the signs they were in when you were born. This is called a solar chart.
How do you find your Money Power in your chart?
The second house and the eight house are the money houses. Any planets that falls in these houses will tell you about your money power situation, how easy or hard it is for you to gain money. The sign on the cusp of these houses are also very important and even if you have no planets in these houses you have to take the ruler of the sign into consideration and the aspects to the signs and planets.
The second house represent the money you earn and the eight is the house that tells you about inheritance and gifts you might receive. The eight house also rules join finances and other peoples possessions. If you have favorable aspects to these house one way or the other it would suggest that you will have success with money.
If you are the type of person who likes to invest and dabble in speculative business ventures then you have to look to the fifth house. The sign and it ruler will give you a pretty good idea of how fortunate you will be in these matters. To find out how well your money power planets are in aspect I suggest that you draw a line from the money planets to your money houses and any other planet they aspects. That will give you a good idea of how much power your planets have.
If there are not enough aspects then you might want to partner up with another person who can fill in the missing links in your chart. This can work very well for you and usually also for your partner.
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