Wednesday, February 24, 2010

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63 Articles

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
The Virgo/Pisces Full Moon 2010:
This month, we find ourselves in the "in-between' space where the formless Piscean ocean meets the cultivated landscape of Virgo. The End, the Beginning and the Harvest. Water and Earth. Change and Stability. Spirit and Soul. Union and Uniqueness. Surrender and Service.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Aquarius New Moon: February 13-14, 2010 Planting the People's Vision of the Future
(3 comments) The New Moon in Aquarius is the energetic time of year to plant seeds of ideas and ideals that will benefit all of us in the future. This year this is a vitally important activity. This new Moon falls near America's Aquarian Moon, which represents the People and their needs. What values do we want to live by? What virtues need renewing? Now is the time to imagine, for without a new vision, we won't know where we're going.

Monday, January 25, 2010
Leo-Aquarius Full Moon 2010: Let's Play in the Aquarian Mindfield
Let's all engage in an Aquarian Experiment. With our two luminaries in the signs of creative expression (Leo) and group consciousness (Aquarius)this full moon, I thought it might be fun for all of us to play, another Leo trait, in the Aquarian mind-field - together.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Avatar: The Archetypal Message Is "Get Back In Your Body!"
(1 comments) Avatar's appeal isn't just visual, it's visceral. Like ancient myths, it gives form to new archetypal energies, new ways to see ourselves as a people. Woe to the corporations, because it speaks to people's hearts and makes us think about our lives and about our world. I'd like to take you on a Jungian exploration of the film so you can see the archetypal depth of meaning there, and know why so many people are drawn to it.

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Capricorn Solar Eclipse, January 14-15, 2010: Planting the Vision of a People's New World Order
(30 comments) There will be a solar eclipse at this new Moon in Capricorn, the 10th sign of the Zodiac -" the sign most concerned with the structures of our collective life. But it is also the sign of the re-birth of the Christos -" the Christ consciousness that is our spiritual heritage which is meant to bond with our earthly nature.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Cancer Lunar Eclipse -" December 31, 2009
(2 comments) This New Year's Eve features a lunar eclipse that could so easily bring up both our personal shadow as well as our collective one. We are called to 'leave behind' something that no longer serves us - or our world. Both the Capricorn Sun and Cancer Moon are the archetypal parents of the zodiac. Time to grow up children!

Saturday, December 12, 2009
Sagittarius New Moon, December 16, 2009
(4 comments) The sign of Sagittarius calls us to adventure, to expand our horizons, seek different perspectives and learn something new. It is about journeys, goals, philosophies, teaching and higher learning, as well as storytelling and cosmic law. After the re-birth out of the depths of Scorpio, Sagittarius offers us the possibilities of open vistas, penetrating insight and deep meaning in our lives.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Gemini Full Moon, December 1-2, 2009
(2 comments) As we emerge out of the cave of our Scorpionic depths this month, we might find that we need to expand our vision of life. Something has died within us so that new life can eventually grow. But before the new life arrives, we are left in a state of chaos and confusion. We need a philosophy that can encompass the changes we're going through. This Full Moon shines on how our minds cope with these changes.

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Scorpio New Moon, November 16-17, 2009
(1 comments) We all know the stories about the Dragonslayers â€" St. George, Perseus, Archangel Michael. They battle to slay the dragon. For they see the Dragon as Evil and Death. There are other ways to meet the Dragon, to meet Death â€" the way Bilbo Baggins riddles with the great dragon, Smaug; the way Ged/Sparrowhawk riddles with the Dragons of Earthsea. This way entails respecting the Dragon.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Taurus Full Moon 2009: Saturn Enters Libra : All Hallow's Eve
(1 comments) The quarter Moon rides high in the nighttime sky besides Jupiter these nights. The first strong, cold winds of autumn are finally shoving the long hot summer out of the Valley. The time has come for the Dark to enter the Cosmic Story. The Celtic celebration of Samhain, All Hallow's Eve is the doorway to Wintertime, to death and cold and darkness.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Libra New Moon, October 17-18, 2009
Spending a few weeks enjoying the glorious colors of a New England Fall reminded me that Libra's concern with beauty is based just as much on the natural cycle of the seasons as it is on our cultural ideas of beauty. While fashion is ruled by Libra, the transformative beauty of birch, oak and maple leaves turning golden, orange and red amidst the deep pine greens touches on the deeper beauty of the soul.

Monday, September 28, 2009
Aries Full Moon 2009: The Harvest Moon
(2 comments) With the Fall Equinox, we move from the energy of self to the energy of community, the time for bringing in the harvest to make sure life survives the winter. It is the time of the seed, the potential we have to save for the new life to come in the spring, when that seed germinates. What have you harvested this year? What new seeds have been born in you that will take time to nurture and develop?

Monday, September 14, 2009
Virgo New Moon 2009
(2 comments) The zodiac symbolizes the different tasks that humanity has to accomplish to grow our souls. Virgo's task is to integrate body, mind and spirit. With Saturn in Virgo for the past two years, hopefully we've developed the discipline to take care of our health - Body, Soul and Spirit. With the 3rd Uranus-Saturn opposition occurring so close to this new Moon, we get a chance to overcome inertia and make the changes that count.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Pisces Full Moon, September 4, 2009
(4 comments) In June and July we had a series of three eclipses in Cancer/Capricorn and Leo/ Aquarius that has certainly stirred up a mess. But let's be truthful, we're just reaping what we've sown for at least the past 60 years. Ike warned us to watch out for the military-industrial complex and we citizens stayed asleep and let them take over. But it isn't too late to change things.

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Leo New Moon, August 20, 2009
The task of Leo, the sign of the whole human being, demands that we learn to think and feel for ourselves, and take responsibility for our actions. Leo accents our uniqueness, our creativity, our sense of play and fun and our sense that we each have something unique to contribute to Life.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Aquarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, August 5-6, 2009
(3 comments) Lunar eclipses are like super powerful Full Moons. The Sun, Moon and Earth all align on the same plane, and for a few hours, the Earth blocks the light of the Sun from reaching the Moon. The Earth cuts off solar consciousness from the reflective power of lunar unconscious. There is a pause, a held-breath, when we get to see what's there in our lives without indulging in our usual emotional complexes.

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse – July 21-22, 2009
(1 comments) Solar eclipses eliminate old ideas and ways of doing things. They also repeat every 19 years. So you might like to remember what was going on in 1990 and see how you responded to the situation you encountered. How did you change then? If you went with something new, now you have another opportunity to take that ability or realization to the next level of achievement.

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Capricorn Full Moon Eclipse 2009
(1 comments) Eclipses mark endings and beginnings, and you're probably working out some issue that needs to be resolved so that you can get on with your life. It's a good time to eliminate anything that no longer serves your vision of life. That includes finances, relationships, jobs or belief systems. The patriarchy is dead - it just doesn't realize it yet.

Monday, June 15, 2009
Super-Charged Summer Solstice and Cancer New Moon, June 20-22, 2009
(2 comments) Cancer is one of the most ancient constellations known to man. Since earliest times, this constellation has been linked with life, the protection of it, and the sacredness of it: life as a universal concept, life for the Earth, and life for the individual species, a family. Cancer was called the 'Gate of Men' - our souls pass through it to descend from the heavens to incarnate into the physical body.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Sagittarius Full Moon, June 7, 2009
Sagittarius shoots his fiery arrow heavenwards, aiming for a new vision and new consciousness. This Sagittarius Full Moon is all about leaping over the abyss from our collapsing 'reality' to a spiritual vision that demands personal responsibility and breadth of vision.

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Gemini New Moon, May 24, 2009
(13 comments) As the Sun enters Gemini, we turn our attention to how we use words, what we want to communicate, and what information we need to proceed with our plans. We've been inspired to do something new in Aries, have taken time to decide what's of value to us in Taurus, and now we have to set our minds to gathering helpful information. Gemini does this through personal experiences.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Scorpio Full Moon, May 8-9, 2009
(1 comments) This is my favorite full Moon of the year. I'm a Taurus you see and love this most beautiful time of the year, with the bushes flowering and all the trees greening. And of course it's also Wesak, the full Moon under which the Buddha was born, achieved enlightenment and finally passed from this world which he had so much compassion for.

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Taurus New Moon on April 24, 2009
(2 comments) The Cosmic Story becomes clearer as we travel through time to meet our future. Don't you feel we're living in extraordinary times? During extraordinary times, the world as we know it changes. We are best served when we look at our expectations and beliefs about life and see if they're still viable for this new reality. And then we have to decide what values center us during this change.

Monday, April 6, 2009
Libra Full Moon, April 9, 2009
Sun in Aries like Mars' energy is aggressive and playful, inquisitive and impetuous. But there's also assertive leadership and courage under the bad boy image. The Moon reflects Venus in Libra, and can be seductive, social, intelligent and talented. Just as the Sun and Moon are often mythically paired as lovers, so are Venus and Mars.

Monday, March 23, 2009
Aries New Moon, March 26, 2009
While Spring Equinox heralds the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, the Aries New Moon marks the moment of rebirth we celebrate at this time of year. Many ancient cultures celebrated the New Year at Spring Equinox, since Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. During this time of balance, when light and dark are equal, you have a chance to shake off your winter blues and see the possibilities awaiting you.

Saturday, March 7, 2009
Virgo Full Moon – March 10, 2009
(2 comments) Everyone seems to be in need of healing this week. The Full Moon in Virgo is especially suited for healing, although some of us might find the cure difficult to swallow. This full Moon sits right on the Uranus/Saturn opposition that's been the continuing saga in the cosmic story since Election Day. It's the fight of the century, the OLD vs. the NEW! And we still have three more rounds to go by 2010.

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Pisces New Moon 2009
(2 comments) On Wednesday, February 18th, the Sun left the airy idealistic heights of Aquarius and plunged into the cosmic ocean currents of Pisces. Did you feel your attention shift? While there is still high-voltage energy traveling through Aquarius, we are directed to swan dive into the collective astral ocean. What are you feeling? What is everyone else feeling? That's the Pisces gift - you feel everyone!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Leo Lunar Eclipse 2009
This Leo lunar eclipse will be powerful, not only because an eclipse focuses and intensifies the energy of a full Moon but because of all the energetic shifts that occur around it. So before we get to the eclipse itself, let's talk about how crazy this week is really going to be.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Aquarius New Moon Solar Eclipse/Year of the Ox 2009
(1 comments) The energy of Aquarius takes our individual ego energy and seeks to unite it with the other energies of the planet. For too long, we have concentrated on rugged individualism, have seen ourselves as separate from the rest of the ecosystem, as well as from the rest of humanity. It is time to learn to merge our individual energies with the planetary grid. What is our role as human beings here on Earth?

Friday, January 16, 2009
An Astrological Look at Obama's Inauguration
(9 comments) The astrology chart for Obama's inauguration echoes his call for a people's inauguration. If we can stop ourselves from projecting 'the savior' onto him, we might just learn how to save ourselves and our world. The Inauguration Day chart is full of hope and a call for personal responsibility. And it appears that Barack Obama is really supposed to be the man of the hour.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Cancer Full Moon January 10-11 2009
(2 comments) With Pluto's entrance into Capricorn, we can be certain that the old King ... the rule of the 'fathers' ... the old corporate structures ... the deadening social corruption ... is dying. The next 16 years will show us how we intend to evolve our vision of society and our responsibility to it. This is Capricorn's spiritual purpose. Pluto wants to renew it. This week's Cancer full Moon will nurture our dreams. Dream Big!

Friday, December 26, 2008
Capricorn New Moon, December 27, 2008
(3 comments) Capricorn represents the initiation of Dharma, which is an Indian term meaning righteous duty or the proper way to live according to higher law. Our Capricorn nature wants to find its true purpose in life. It is a test to 'live in the world but not of the world' as Jesus put it. Since Capricorn also rules our collective structures - government, corporations, finances - we certainly have our work cut out for us.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Gemini Full Moon & Winter Solstice 2008
The Cosmic Story for this year's Gemini full Moon prepares us for a special Winter Solstice (December 21st) and presents us with an opportunity to create a holiday season for ourselves without the commercialism and frantic consumerism that many of us deplore. If we want to look for meaning in these troubled times, the economic downturn gives us a chance to re-create a gentler, kinder, simpler holiday season.

Monday, November 24, 2008
Sagittarius Thanksgiving New Moon 2008
The Sagittarius New Moon should be a wild one. As you all know, new Moons are beginning times. The seed time. So this new Moon is a time to plant the seeds of belief in your soul. What kind of seed will you plant? All the planets are talking and visiting with each other, so it should be a super-charged weekend. Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Taurus Full Moon 2008: Time to Examine our Values
(7 comments) This Scorpio/Taurus Full Moon addresses our shared values, our money issues and our ability to transform ourselves if we hold to a higher vision. So let's all vote again for that higher vision of change that was voted into office on November 5th. Whether you voted for Obama or McCain, we find ourselves in the midst of a sea-change which began in the 60s and which will continue until at least 2015 if not beyond.

Saturday, November 8, 2008
Open Letter to America's Artists: Now It's Your Job to Inspire Us to Change!
(9 comments) Open Letter to America's Artists: To all Filmmakers, Actors, Writers, Musicians, Dancers, Artists. America has voted for change, now please use your talents to help show us how. Obama's call for change must be supported by our artists for it to succeed. America, and the world, need a new vision. Our musicians and storytellers are the ones to create new myths to inspire us to make real changes to save our Earth.

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Scorpio New Moon 2008 and the American Election
(3 comments) Scorpio is never afraid to get down and dirty, and in this buildup to Election Day, when Uranus, the planet of revolutionary new values, reform and awakening opposes Saturn, the planet of convention, conservative values and the status quo, we're seeing just how low we can go. Before Election morning, we'll get to see all manner of muck rise to the top. Let's release and cleanse the toxins from our collective psyches.

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Aries Full Moon October 14, 2008
The Cosmic story going on in the heavens mirrors what is going on here below – as above, so below. Saturn, the energy of conservation, of conservatism, of the status quo, of rigidity and the Old is coming into range of its opposition to Uranus, the energy of awakening, of revolution, of sudden change and the New. They will be exactly opposite each other on Election morning. The Old vs. the New. Does it sound familiar?

Friday, September 26, 2008
Libra New Moon: The Scales of Justice
(2 comments) Don't look for a quick fix to our economic woes with Mercury retrograde as Congress tries to bailout Wall Street. It's astrological wisdom that you don't sign anything while Mercury is retrograde, since there's a good chance that one of the parties will change their minds because they've had time to do more research. When signing documents, Mercury retrograde always says, 'Go back, you've missed something.'

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Pisces Full Moon, September 15, 2008
We are once again engaging in the struggle between the old ways and the new that began in the '60s. With John McCain and Barak Obama vividly representing the two opposing energies, the cosmos is letting us know that this isn't just a political fight. This is a cosmic demand to recognize that the old must make way for the new, but the new must also recognize and value the important aspects of the old vision of life.

Thursday, August 28, 2008
Virgo New Moon, August 30, 2008
(8 comments) Work and Change are the order of the day. This New Moon is a preview of the big celestial face-off on election day - the opposition of Uranus (revolutionary new ideas) to Saturn (the old guard). These are the energies that faced off in the 60s, and we're about to enter a 4-year twilight zone that takes us back to the 60s so we can move forward to the future.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Aquarius Lunar Eclipse August 16, 2008
(2 comments) On eclipses and 8-8-8 and finding your own security in the midst of change.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Capricorn Full Moon 2008
Full moons ask for our awareness. Do we have it in us to 'reflect' on our lives, our our society, and on our purpose? Cancer and Capricorn combine the energies of family and state, individual and culture. It's time to show the world who and what you really are!

Monday, June 30, 2008
Cancer New Moon July 2-3, 2008
(3 comments) The Cancer New Moon inspires us to nurture the divine child within, so that we bring our creativity into the culture at this most important time in our history. Give America a birthday gift - give your vision and your actions to heal the country.

Saturday, May 31, 2008
Gemini New Moon, June 3, 2008
Mercury Retrograde in his own home of Gemini takes up his mantle of Psychopomp – Guide of Souls – for this Gemini New Moon. This soul guide leads us on a journey to discover the wealth we have inside. He calls each of us to the Hero/ine's Journey. At this critical time in human history, when will we take ourselves seriously enough to stand in our power and initiate the changes within and without which the times demand.

Monday, May 12, 2008
Scorpio Full (Blue) Moon, May 19-20, 2008
Don't miss this 'once in a blue moon' chance to shift your priorities to the deep values rooted in your soul, which will release the fear, anxiety and helplessness which hold you back from living mindfully. It's time to take yourself seriously and engage the mythic imagination to discover how to live divinely or die mythically. Sound extreme! That's Taurus and Scorpio for you!

Thursday, May 1, 2008
Beltaine & Taurus New Moon 2008
It's May! The Lusty Month of May. Beltaine is the beginning of the Celtic summer and the New Moon happens on the Taurus power gate. Taurus energy wants us to build something. So instead of wasting your time trying to fix what's broken, why not think out of the box and create something new to take its place? Coming out of the hard aspects of the last 6 months, we now have permission to play!

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Scorpio Full Moon, April 20, 2008
This Full Moon poises the question: Are we going to stand for our better natures, or will we continue to stay asleep while America burns? Only We the People can grow up and stand up for change - our politicians can't do it for us. We are receiving a message from the Great Spirit of Life - be the heroes and lovers of your life and times. Do what you came here to do. And start to do it now!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Aries New Moon, April 5, 2008
(1 comments) Have you noticed how angry people are? How frustrated? How scared? Will we finally have that national discussion on civil rights? Do you fear that America will bomb Iran? Is it time to get rid of the Federal Reserve? The Aries New Moon brings up many of these issues. It all depends on how each one of us stands up for our own vision of life.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Spring Equinox & Libra Full Moon, 2008
Spring is finally here in the Northern Hemisphere along with the first full moon of Spring. Aries and Libra are all about how individuals relate to each other. Obama's beautiful speech exemplifies how this full moon needs to play out. Are we going to be courageous (Aries) enough to relate to other people (and countries) in a fair and balanced (Libra) way or will we continue to strong-arm the world and disrespect others?

Thursday, March 6, 2008
Pisces New Moon 2008
With the Pisces New Moon we come to the end of a cycle. The Death and Rebirth part! How willing are we to face the death of our old ways? That's the question!

Monday, February 18, 2008
Virgo Lunar Eclipse, February 20, 2008
Why are Eclipses so fascinating? Is it because we seem to be caught between the Sun and Moon, consciousness and the Unconscious?

Thursday, February 14, 2008
(5 comments) This is a review of Julie Taymor's movie, "Across the Universe" and an astrological analysis of the 60s and the Beatles' influence on our psyches.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Aquarius Solar Eclipse, February 6, 2008
(6 comments) Solar eclipses are fascinating, perhaps because they represent the Sacred Marriage of Sun and Moon, the Masculine and Feminine Energies of the Cosmos. This Solar Eclipse in Aquarius initiates a year-long quest to manifest social justice, ingenuity, independence and unity in the face of oppression and mass manipulation by the powers-that-be. It's not what the country can do for us, but what we can do for the country.

Sunday, January 20, 2008
The Leo Full Moon & Pluto in Capricorn
(1 comments) Astrology bears witness to an ancient truth: As above, so below. This full moon in the sign of individuation as well as group consciousness has the added punch of Pluto leaving the sign of Sagittarius for the first time since 1995. So what will Pluto in Capricorn bring up, and how will each of us deal with it?

Monday, January 7, 2008
Capricorn New Moon, January 8, 2008
With Pluto soon to begin its work of revamping our Capricorn structures, it's an ideal time to contemplate what our personal ambitions are. Have we moved our thinking out of the old paradigm, or do we still spell success with $$$signs? This Capricorn New Moon gives us the chance to imagine what our life's purpose is, for Capricorn rules the way we contribute to our society.

Saturday, December 8, 2007
Sagittarius New Moon, December 9, 2007: Pregnant with Divinity
An astrological commentary on the New Moon in Sagittarius on December 9, 2007.

Friday, November 23, 2007
As Above, So Below: Gemini Full Moon 2007
This is an astrological review of the cosmic energies surrounding the Full Moon in Gemini on November 24, 2007.

Thursday, November 8, 2007
Scorpio New Moon - Friday, November 9, 2007
This is an article describing the astrological energies of the Scorpio New Moon and some of the cosmic happenings taking place this month.

Friday, March 23, 2007
The Secret Behind "The Secret".
(1 comments) This article compares the good points with the bad points of the hugely successful "The Secret." While many hail it as a sign of an awakening spirituality, there's nothing new in it. And with its emphasis on the Law of Abundance, which seems to equal money, I guestion if it's doing as much good for the general population as the filmmakers think.

Thursday, December 21, 2006
A Winter Solstice Story: Finding the Light in the Darkness
(2 comments) This Winter Solstice story speaks to our primal need to find the light within and without as we are surrounded by darkness. It speaks to our times, and to these holidays or holy days. And by the way, if our country celebrated Winter Solstice, which is non-denominational, we could privately celebrate our religious traditions without stepping on any toes.

Monday, December 18, 2006
THE FOUNTAIN: An Archetypal Review of a Great Movie That Speaks to Our Times.
A Symbolic Review of one of the few really good metaphysical movies which most movie critics didn't understand.

Friday, November 3, 2006
All Hallows Eve: Acknowledging our Dead
This is a fairy tale about these few days around Halloween that are called All Hallows Eve, All Saints Day & All Souls Day

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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