Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Planets And Their Spiritual Keynotes

Astrology guides us in understanding the subtle influences of the planets upon our own Earth and the natural life upon it, including human.

In the past, the planets were accorded an Intelligence and given the name and status of a god. Science today explores the physical realities of the planetary bodies but without the link with their spiritual qualities and direct upon the human psyche, we are left deprived of deeper knowledge and purpose as to how they affect us in the invisible climate of our Solar System. To assist us in renewing a sense of connection with the natural intelligence inhabiting the planets, astrology reminds us of the age old traditions and features verified by modern research.

The spiritual symbolism of the Sun is most obvious in its power, light, and energy. Our absolute dependence upon it permits its appropriate association with the Creator of all. It is seen as the perfect male representation as the giver of life and motivator of action. All concepts of the gods as natural powers, place the Sun God at the centre to represent the Universal Spirit, bestowing life, light and true intelligence upon mankind.

The spiritual nature of the Moon is recognized in the guise of female qualities such as nurturing, protecting, and in the cyclic rhythms that support or reflect the qualities of the Sun but provide relief from its great intensity. It is aptly seen as the Mother of the Earth and all female and maternal powers in nature are directly associated. The Moon Goddess with her magnetic power is perhaps the oldest of the named female gods and as vital to our life perceptions and emotions as water is to our bodies.

Mercury is the planet associated with the old legends that identify it as the 'messenger of the gods' or the go-between heaven and earth. Correspondence is obvious in the substance we call mercury that rises and falls in our barometric instruments. It also directly reflects the nature of the human mind that cannot be trapped into any form or solid state but must remain free to explore in our search for truth. Mercury reminds us of the magic of the mind and its creative employment but we must remain free of intellectual enmeshment in its fascination that can leave us imprisoned us within our own mind if we fail to keep a balance with our emotions.

Venus is the female expression of loveliness and pleasure in all things. Its influence inspires us to uplift our material aspirations towards beauty, love and harmony. Its magnetic force draws us towards the spiritual spheres where unity of all life is a reality if we are able to understand and advance beyond the mere physical expression of love and desire and return sex to its sacred role and generations would be conceived in love born in the heart, instead of the self satisfactions of the flesh.

Mars is the male force of chivalry and aggressive power that protects Venus and is willing to sacrifice for the preservation of the goodness of the world. The energies of Mars are often experienced in self assertion and warfare until employed for these higher aims in defence of the weak and the preservation of the noblest in human culture. Its electric force tests our self discipline in controlling our own anger or aggression so we are free to ignite our fires of spiritual aspiration that challenge wrong-doing and spark our spiritual courage.

Jupiter is the great expansive force that encourages us towards expression of the grandeur of everything, from our own personality to whatever we create or do in life. It reminds us of our soul's capacity to magnify all virtues, constructive schemes and hasten our spiritual potential towards human perfection. Its generous benevolent qualities encourage our inner goodness, our sense of forgiveness, and our need to embrace the whole Universe in our hearts and minds. Jupiter bestows, along with Venus, much of our good fortune.

Saturn is the lord administrator of order, justice and practical fulfillment of the Divine evolutionary Spiritual Plan. It is the vehicle for metering spiritual justice through the Law we call Karmic Law. We try in human law to reflect what we understand of justice but often fail. Unless we accept that Divine Justice is real, and what issues from us returns to us, as our spiritual teachers tell, we will consider Saturn as the restrictor, rather than our stern teacher. It is therefore not often perceived as a personal, approachable god as it is generally known to us through our misfortunes.

Uranus is the far distant great planet and force that we are slowly understanding in our lives. It has unique attributes with energy that is both electric and magnetic often associated with the male-female aspects of the androgynous Absolute God - our Creator. Its greater focus in human life stimulates our higher mental energies and intuitive faculties that guide us from old outworn customs and ideas, into the changes that lead to a greater and better world and future for all mankind.

Neptune is the influence that has caused us great social problems in the last decades as it inclines people towards abstractions rather than practical or material concentration of thought. It serves us well by encouraging imagination, seership and psychic perceptions beyond the norm. But it also tempts those who seek new sensations to enter the chaotic worlds and dangerous negative influences through artificial drug and alcohol stimulation. Through finding our inner centre of strength we avoid these weaknesses and are rewarded by new and deeper spiritual insights and safe experiences within the cosmic ocean of life.

Pluto remains our most distant planet. Astronomers have studied its existence as astrologers have sought to interpret its influence upon us since its discovery in the zodiacal sign of Cancer January 21, 1930. The first Report of Pluto was presented at the Astrological Congress of 1933 by Fritz Brunhubner. Links with mythology and the god Pluto would seem to parallel the rulership of the planet over the subterranean worlds or inner earth, and the heavenly higher spheres. Astrological research shows its involvement in the lower stratas of criminality as in the spiritual qualities of sainthood. It is now accepted as an extremely strong energy and its use is best related to transformation, transmutation and the overcoming of what we call evil, en route to a more glorious development of the human being that, as yet, we can barely perceive.

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