Thursday, March 11, 2010

2010, Astrology, and Arctic Documentaries

It is fascinating to watch footage about life in the Arctic. The broad expanse of snow and ice against the glinty blue sky is breathtaking. But life for the creatures who inhabit those desolate reaches is very difficult.

For most of the year the ground is frozen solid, so no plant life grows. It is unbearably cold, prone to severe wind and storms, so animals must bring their own insulation and plenty of it. Some animals who hibernate such as the bear may not eat for months.

And yet they must somehow sustain themselves.

Astrologically, 2010 is much like an Arctic landscape. The year began in an astrological deep freeze with Mars and Mercury retrograde followed two weeks later by Saturn.

When a planet's motion is retrograde, its forward motion ceases. From the Earth's perspective it appears that the planet is traveling backward.

The retrograde pileup does much to explain why there has been so little forward movement in projects and initiatives in the early months of 2010. Many people report feeling stalled or subject to endless delays. This is normal when many planets are retrograde.

But as 2010 progresses, the year begins to thaw. Mercury returns to direct motion in February and in March, Mars finally ends its four month retrograde period.

At this point the Arctic documentary would show footage of the sun reappearing above the horizon as the first signs of spring make themselves felt and long hibernating animals begin to stir.

We, too are beginning to stir. In fact, from an astrological perspective 2010 does not really begin until Mid-March when Mars begins to travel direct. That is when you begin to see forward movement in your 2010 agenda.

The second-half of March is an opportunity to 'make hay while the sun shines.' But the window is short-lived as quick-moving Mercury, which retrogrades 3-4 times a year, does so again in April.

But the very end of May begins a frenetic time much like the Arctic summer. In the Arctic summer foliage basks in the days of 24 hour sunlight and animals scurry to enjoy the brief respite when food is plentiful and conditions mild.

They rush to take advantage of every ounce of summer.

In our 2010 summer, like summer in the Arctic, the pace of activity and change will be dizzying. Uranus, followed by Jupiter, step into impatient Aries and the emphasis is on action.

Energy long held back comes bursting out. Some is expressed as anger by groups and individuals whose needs were insufficiently addressed.

It is a time much like the late 1960's when excitement and change filled the air. And like the 1960's some of that energy will be highly volatile and unpredictable.

One result of this foment will come much innovation and creativity. If you are prepared, June and July of 2010 will present fast moving opportunities.

The fast pace of change and the outburst of anger will create a high degree of tension with those holding the reins of power. This will come to a head in August when a highly potent and volatile planetary configuration rules the skies.

By September, Uranus and Jupiter will have moved back to Pisces and tensions ease. Again we enter a period of many planets in retrograde motion, but now it is experienced as a welcome relief.

Like the Arctic animals hunkering down for another winter, from September through year-end you have an opportunity to digest and integrate events of the summer.

This will prepare you when these themes repeat themselves in 2011 and beyond.

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