How To Get Along - With Great Consciousness and Mutually Shared Commitments, offset by Contrasting Temperamental Angles
Scorpio - Capricorn
While Capricorn gets the credit for achievement with its fish-like, nondescript, goat-like body scaling the heights, Scorpio sometimes does not get the understanding that there are actually four symbols for this sign: Some are lizards, some scorpions, some eagles, some doves. If there is a general image to latch onto, I would say that I have met more "eagles" than "scorpions", and very few "lizards" and just a few "doves". This begs for more explanation, but not in this article.
Capricorn is Earth and Cardinal. Scorpio is Water and Fixed. Respect and power in business is what these two are both about. They can engage one another in their mutual sense of seriousness. It is hard to beat these two in the zodiac, for their combined senses of serious intent. This alone will predict that they could be in good agreement as a couple, partner, buddy, friend, lover. Leaning into each other at a party, they could share sentiments and opinions. They would be mutually concerned with how business and free enterprise is being affected by the current political environment, and how increased taxation might affect their futures. Business does not have to always be the concern, but "business" should be the symbolic watchword.
These two are all business about home, hearth, career, love and possessions. The Capricorn leads the pairing in humor, political savvy and verbal jousting, though it is essentially shy; it uses humor and cleverness as a way to get through uncomfortable encounters. Scorpio does the same thing, using badinage and open charm to disguise their actual intent and holding their real feelings back, so as not to be self-disclosing. Speaking of self-disclosing, Capricorn probably won't make an issue of what Scorpio is holding back. They hold back many things naturally, and the idea that someone else is holding back does not constitute a reason to conduct an investigation. Since Scorpio is used to people wondering what they are holding back, this can be a cause of harmony in the relationship.
Both of these signs are motivated by religious and philosophical underpinnings. Scorpio can have some pretty dogmatic religious ideas and can be sometimes tedious with expressing those beliefs. Capricorn however, is not excessively bothered by this. They are caught in a curious kind of "not caring" about many things. This gives them an ambivalence which makes even the Scorpio wonder about them. If a religious idea comes up, the Capricorn can pose a philosophical question to counter.
One thing the Goat is not ambivalent about is dollars. Dollars are hard material things that the Goat gets. So too, with the budget-minded Scorpion. These again, have the same vibes about basic issues. What can they learn from each other? Doubtless, Capricorn lightens up the Scorpio "looking for trouble" tendency. Capricorn is careful and controlled, but easier about life in general. Scorpio benefits here. Scorpio gives Capricorn that sense of confidence that shy Capricorn can really take advantage of.
Positive Postulate: Capricorns are not going to get all theatrical about their goals. Their cute remarks, springing from their quiet and pixy manner are a great offset of that humming Scorpio turbine, adding a vague weight to what should be lighter manners. Capricorn gaining substantiality makes them a strong pair.
Romance Recommendation: The Goat and the Scorpion are not going to be trifling and irreverent and excessively carefree when it comes to romance. They are at least in the same book here, if not the same page. Since they do share basically the same romance values, they will approach each other with the respect and yes, even a little reverence, about the loving way people come to each other in surrender.
Conflict Quotient: Capricorn's coolness lets it only fight about what really matters to them; and that is probably most always in a defensive mode, not offensive. Scorpio, so suspicious and secretive will only fight if something is super important to them. These are both "good" fighters, but see conflict like in "last resort" terms. There would be much emotion here, but most of it unacknowledged and very controlled.
Peace Parlay: Life in the end is repetitive and mundane, and so is Romance itself. This factor asks the question: "Can we be bored together over the long term?" Boredom for these two would be in between counting money and meeting new challenges. That boring "in between" time could be very restorative for both of them.
Keep Up The Interest Graph: If it's in the budget, they will splurge on each other. Restrained individuals who let loose just a little bit will have tons of fun letting go. This may be all they need.
Seven Year Itchiness: There are some signs that by their nature are more stable in their love interests and family concerns as time goes on. Others are not. Scorpio would mutter, "What's the deal with 7th year, I am always brimming with romantic ideation." Capricorn would nod in agreement, not wanting to discuss how they felt inside; and then both would shake hands and trust each other, since they were in love and partnership, pursuing a strengthening relationship.
ASTROCOMPATIBILITY POSSIBILITY RATING: 70% Positive Long Term - 55% Short Term. How they would meet is not important. The fact that they did meet and experienced each other's serious and shared value system would be notable as they got closer and closer. If there were no fundamental oppositional elements in their individual charts, and their appreciation for each other grew, they could have a relationship, partnership, marriage that worked quite harmoniously and perhaps very successfully.
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