Harold Camping is a Christian preacher who preaches the soon coming Christian Rapture followed by Judgment Day. Amazing things occurred in space (astronomy, astrology) when Harold Camping was born. Mr. Camping's birth date is July 19, 1921. His life path (numerology) is number 3. The 3's are creative, humorus, people persons, and great public speakers.
On the day Mr. Harold Camping was born, the Sun and three major planets lined up in his Sun (Birth) Sign of Cancer. Also the locations of the Moon, Jupiter, and Chiron in his birth chart indicate that he would be a noteworthy leader and business person with "knowing" abilities. David showed this type of "knowing" ability when the death of Bathsheba's son was hidden from him. David "figured" it out by the "tone" of the room at that time. Some call this intuitive "knowing" psychic abilities.
Here's what Harold Camping's astrologica birth chart says and astrology's interpretation of such:
I) The Sun and these 3 Planets were in Cancer (Camping's Sun Sign) on his birth date:
1) The Sun-gives great energy to accomplish, also associated with enlightenment
2) Venus-the planet of agape (social) love and finances (which include business)
3) Mars-the aggressive planet, the non stopping energy to accomplish
4) Pluto-Planet Pluto is known for supernatural phenomenons
The Moon is the ruling planet of Cancer. People born under the Cancer sign are family inclined and very security conscious. Ironically Harold Camping is President of the Family Christian Radio Network.
The Moon is connected to the human subconscious and can bring Revelations, Healings, and/or Eliminations depending on its phase.
II) The Moon was in Capicorn when Mr. Camping was born. Capicorn is the sign for business and professional people. Ironically, Mr. Camping Presides over the Family Radio Network which is both a Family teaching network and a business type (professional) organization.
III) Yet another amazing and fascinating thing occurred at Harold Camping's birth. Jupiter the planet of Good Fortune and Saturn the planet of Karma were both in Virgo. Virgo is the astrological sign of health and critical analysis. Mr. Camping is 91 years old and still very active with Family Radio. Most people would consider that to be "good" health. Mr. Camping does not hold back in criticizing Bible teachers which he considers false.
IV) Yet another fascinating thing occurred when Mr. Camping was born. Chiron the Healer was Retrograde (moving in reverse) in Aries. When something moves backwards it causes the opposite effect. This means that instead of a healing to occur, an "attack" or "wound" situation would be causes. The sign of Aries is ruled by planet Mars. So we need to look to Mars to see what the Universe is telling us about retrograde Chiron. Mars was in Cancer (Mr. Campings sign) at that time. So once again the Universe was focusing on an inate trait of "baby" Camping. Mr. Camping would not be a healer (Chiron) when he felt that the family or its security was threatened. In fact, he would aggressively (Aries-Mars) attack (Chiron retrograde) anything he felt threatened the family. I suggest that you ask anyone who knows Harold Camping from his earlier years until our present. Ask them if he ever "jumped" on or at someone who he felt was threatening his family in any way. You will be amaze at what this Cancer (who is greatly influenced by Mars) did.
V) There is one final amazing thing that occurred when Harold Camping was born. Planet Uranus was retrograde (moving backwards) in the astrological sign of Pisces. People born under the sign of Pisces are inspirational and believed to have "intuitive knowledge (psychic)" abilities. Uranus is the planet of sudden change and attack upon the status quo. It's a known fact that Harold Camping is inspirational and did attack the status quo of previous Religious Beliefs. The fact that Uranus was retrograde at Camping's birth implies that he would delay such attack. Mr. Camping himself admits that he did wait before deciding to go public with his beliefs (regarding the end of the Church age). Mr. Camping admitted that he too was initially concerned about the "power" of Religion's authority with in its teachings.
Here's an important note about Planet Uranus. Uranus rules Aquarius. Aquarius is the astrological sign of Enlightenment, Humane Actions, and Technology. Harold Camping and Family Radio are known for utilizing technology to help others and enlighten the world.
It's obvious that once Mr Camping over came this "retrograde reluctance" that there would be no stopping this Ever Growing (Jupiter-Expanisvie), Mars Motivated Cancer (family man) in fulfilling his "mission". 
This article can be freely edited and/or utilized as long as credit is given to its author.
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