Human quest for peace of mind is full of obstacles. These obstacles are in the form of the desires of material comforts. Every Human being stirve hard to achieve a state of solace and peace in their mind, however what they achieve in reality is virtual and short lived peace of mind. Peace is attained by control over the desires and then transcending or elevating the mind to joyous spiritual journey to ultimate wisdom.
Our objectives
Introduce everyone to the alternative healing practices.
Analyze the type and cause of obstacles.
Identify the exact therapy suitable to the person's needs.
Prepare the person for the adaptability of the therapy through guidance from our master and spiritual healer.
Connectivity with Self.
Move on the path of spiritual realization and peace of mind by putting together the body, mind and soul.
Feng Shui
In the ancient Chinese culture, it was always believed that staying in harmony with the environment or nature will lead to good life. The system of Feng-shui, which is pronounced as Feng Shway is based on elements of nature, such as wind and water.
In the ancient Chinese culture, it was always believed that staying in harmony with the environment or nature will lead to good life. The system of Feng-shui, which is pronounced as Feng Shway is based on elements of nature, such as wind and water.
It is their belief that smooth water and gentle wind are the right ingredients for good harvest; where as stagnant water and rough winds are bad for harvest. As in Chinese, Feng means wind and Shui means water, good Feng-shui is a better way of life where as bad Feng-shui leads to unhappiness.
The study of Feng-shui reveals two major areas, namely the Land and the Building structure. Study of the energy of nature is aimed at movement of wind and water and thus how the energy moves around the land and the mountains, rivers etc. The second area of focus is the movement of this energy within the structure of the building where we live and work.
The concept of Feng-shui is based on five fundamental or key elements. These are Earth, Wood, Fire, Water and Metal. Also integral to this belief are the twin forces of Yin and Yang. These forces describe the two basic forces of nature and in order to maintain balance, one has to develop harmony between these two forces. The motion of these two explains the dynamic movement of the forces of nature or in other words it explains the change in things. And the important thing is that both are interdependent.
Depending on which direction your house faces or is located, the colors of Feng-shui can be applied to enhance the flow of positive energy. This leads to harmony and happiness in the house. If there is excessive Yin then Yang colors are used to balance the energy and vice versa.
Proper use of Feng-shui helps the mind to focus better on life as it removes the influence of negative emotions from the brain. Human brain is the most complicated matter that has evolved. Science as well as Spiritual studies have confirmed that capabilities of the human brain are far beyond even our thinking.Â
Planets therapy stands for ultimate success for the human being towards his destiny.
Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
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